In order to keep AIP running smoothly and avoid ever-increasing storage consumption, there are a number of steps that you can take.

The steps below are advisory and have been put together based on the experience of working with different AIP customer

Maintenance of Source Code Folders

As soon as a scan is completed, the analysed source code can be zipped and stored in an archive folder. If the customer is using AIP Portal, then the source code should already be zipped. 

A rolling time period of zipped data can be kept available in the archive folders. All data older than the time period can then be removed on a regular basis. For example,  if AIP rescans are monthly, the rolling archive could be one year, with 12 monthly zip files being kept per application. For a more frequent rescan cadence, for example, weekly, three months worth of zip files could be maintained in the archive folders.

DMT version Archival

All DMT versions older than one year can be archived using the instructions and script link to GitHub below.

AIP snapshot Clean-up

Non-current snapshots should be removed. The number of snapshots to retain will be dependent on business requirements, but ideally, ten or fewer snapshots per application should be retained.

Please follow the GitHub link below for more information. 

Backing up AIP schemas

A schema backup should be taken at the end of every snapshot. 

Items to Backup

CAST AIP schemas (Management / Analysis / Dashboard / Measurement Services)

Whenever you are taking the backup of Cast Schema always take the backup of schema triplet(Management/Analysis/Dashboard) Measurement Service is optional based on the requirement

Backing up a schema

CAST provides a simple command-line based method for backing up any CAST AIP schema in your CAST Storage Service to file. This backup file can then be used to restore the CAST schema to the same CAST Storage Service or to another CAST Storage Service. As such it is a fully functioning backup, i.e. you do not need to create the target CAST AIP schema when subsequently running a restore process 

To backup a CAST schema, locate the file CSSBackup.exe. CAST recommends running the backup process from a batch file (make sure that all commands are placed on one single line and remember to surround any paths (i.e. to the .exe, dump file or log file) with quote marks if the path contains spaces). A typical command line to backup one CAST schema would be as follows:

CSSBackup.exe -schema schema_name -password CastAIP -file "backup file name with fillpath.cssdump" -log "log_file_name with full path.log" -host css servername -port port number -database Postgres -username operator

Click here for more details

Mandatory Backups

Following are the different stages where backups are required and Naming convention to follow for the backup files.


Backup Stages

Naming convention


Rapid Discovery

 [Schema name]_[Analysis ver]_aft_RD_ddmmyyhhmm(24hrformat)

2System Onboarding - After module configuration (Optional)[Schema name]_[Analysis ver]_aft_SO_WithUDM_ddmmyyhhmm(24hrformat)
3System Onboarding[Schema name]_[Analysis ver]_aft_SO_ddmmyyhhmm(24hrformat)
4Consumption Config[Schema name]_[Analysis ver]_aft_CC_ddmmyyhhmm(24hrformat)

Note: To save disk space, please compress/zip the backup file before keeping it in the file system

Other items to backup

CAST also recommends backing up the following items:

  • DMT plug-ins
  • Source code delivered
  • Application extensions
  • Log files

Backing up file system folders

All drives that contain the source code, archived zip files, schema backups and AIP folders should be backed up on a daily basis. These backups should have a rolling retention period of a week, with the end of backups being retained for a minimum of one month. This should be done in liaison with the customer so it becomes part of the customer’s standard data backup and retention policies