

This version contains a critical bug fix, therefor CAST highly recommends using it wherever possible.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
EXTENDCLI-27Fixed an issue causing incorrect validation of version minimum requirements.


New Features

Custom settings path - appsettings.jsonIt is now possible to define a custom configuration folder using the "SettingsPath" entry. This overrides the default location of "%PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\ExtendCli". See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/EXTEND/ExtendCli#ExtendCli-Advancedconfigurationsettings-appsettings.json.
Custom network client settings - appsettings.jsonIt is now possible to define a different timeout value using the "Timeout" entry for communication with Extend servers. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/EXTEND/ExtendCli#ExtendCli-Advancedconfigurationsettings-appsettings.json.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
EXTENDCLI-26Fixed an issue causing crashes during install when multiple nuspec files are detected.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
35844Fixed an issue that would cause a timeout when building an update bundle.


New Features

Extension Install StrategyAdded a feature to ensure, when installing an extension, that all dependencies meet a certain minimum versions type requirement (alpha/beta/funcrel/lts).
Nupkg Archive supportSupport for non-standard NUPKG archives.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
EXTENDCLI-8Fixed an issue that caused some User Community extensions to fail during installation when using AIP Console.