• The Constraint column shows whether the component will retrieve data for an "engineering" (AED) or "analytics" domain (AAD), and whether an extension needs to be installed in order to generate results (and if we need a specific version or RestAPI). The CAST-RestAPI version indicated is the minimal version of the RESTAPI needed by this component.
  • Due to backward compatibility, some components can have two different IDs, but the result will be the same.
  • The Mode column shows whether the component is targeted at an Application or a Portfolio or an Application - the relevant option should be chosen in Report Generator (see image below). CAST recommends always selecting an Application when the target domain is "engineering" and when using Application mode, as it will avoid empty results (this is because in an "analytics" domain, violations and components does not exist for an application).

Component IdDescriptionModeConstraintsParametersConfiguration sampleOutputResult sample
BUBBLETechnical debt, TQI and Number of code lines.ApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • M=the module id



If no module selected, result is for the application.

If a module is selected, result is for the module.

X axis is for TQI score, Y axis is for Technical Debt, and bubble's size is the Number of kLoc


CAST provides a distribution of objects based on several distributions:

  • Algorithm Complexity (based on Cyclomatic complexity
  • SQL Complexity
  • Coupling (Fan in, Fan out)
  • Ratio of documentation
  • Size of components

This component is only relevant on an engineering database

CAST-RestAPI 1.8.0


2 distribution curves for each of selected snapshot (current, previous).

X axis is the list of categories (low, average, high, very high). A category correspond to an interval of values of cast complexity calculated for the object

Y axis is the number of objects in the categories


CAST provides a distribution of objects based on the chosen distribution.


This graph is relevant only on engineering databases, it is empty on analytics databases.

CAST-RestAPI 1.8.0

  • PAR=distribution id (by default 65501, and in this case this is the same graph than CAST_COMPLEXITY)

List of distributions :

  • 65105 : Size Distribution
  • 65350 : Coupling distribution
  • 65501 : Cyclomatic complexity distribution
  • 65601 : 4GL complexity distribution
  • 65701 : OO complexity distribution
  • 65801 : SQL complexity distribution
  • 66010 : Reuse by call distribution
  • 66015 : Class complexity distribution (WMC)
  • 66020 : Class Fan-Out distribution
  • 66021 : Class Fan-In distribution
  • 67001 : Cost complexity distribution
  • 67020 : distribution of violations to critical diagnostic-based metrics per cost complexity
  • 67030 : distribution of defects to critical diagnostic-based metrics per cost complexity

2 distribution curves for each of selected snapshot (current, previous).

X axis is the list of categories (low, average, high, very high). A category correspond to an interval of values of cast complexity calculated for the object

Y axis is the number of objects in the categories


A Graph component is built based on a table structure. The idea is to fill data into the table of the graph to populate it automatically


The selection of metrics by standard quality tag name should only be used for an application where the extension “Quality Standards Support” is installed. If not, no metrics will be selected and graph will be empty

CAST-RestAPI 1.8.0

Quality Standard Mapping Extension


where A,B,C and D are one of the axis above

and a, b, c, d, e, f, g is one or multiple tags of the axis

See more information in section about Generic components (Generic components in Report Generator 1.18.0)


Depends on the selection.

See more information in section about Generic Components (Generic components in Report Generator 1.18.0)

MODULES_ARTIFACTSA pie that represent the modules with their number of artifactsApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • COUNT=N, where N represent the number of modules to display (they are sorted by number of artifacts desc). Take all modules if not populated
GRAPH;MODULES_ARTIFACTSNumber of artifatcs (from metric 10152) by modules

TECHNO_LOCDistribution of technologies by lines of codeApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • COUNT=N where N is the shown technologies count (default value=5)
GRAPH;TECHNO_LOCNumber of code lines by technologies

PF_BAR_CHARTList of applications regarding a specific indicatorPortfolioCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • METRIC=ID (where ID can be the one of a BC, TC, QR, sizing measure or background fact)
GRAPH;PF_BAR_CHART;METRIC=60017Value (for sizing measure or background fact) or Score (for BC, TC or QR) for each application

PF_TREND_CRIT_VIOLCritical Violations Trending ProgressionPortfolio

X axis is based on the last 6 previous quarter starting from today

CAST-RestAPI 1.8.0

  • BCID=N (where N is an health factor (by default 60017)
GRAPH;PF_TREND_CRIT_VIOL;BCID=60017Critical violations added and removed during the 6 last previous quarter


A Graph component is built based on a table structure. The idea is to fill data into the table of the graph to populate it automaticallyPortfolioCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0


  • where A,B,C and D are one of the axis above
  • and a, b, c, d, e, f, g is one or multiple tags of the axis

See more information in section about Generic components (Generic components in Report Generator 1.18.0)


Depends on the selection.

See more information in section about Generic Components (Generic components in Report Generator 1.18.0)

PF_QS_BY_CVLOCTQI by critical violations / LOC by AFPPortfolio

Only working with Powerpoint 2013, after report generated, need to edit data in excel to get label of applications updated into the graph (A and B if not instead of application names)

CAST-RestAPI 1.8.0

NoneGRAPH;PF_QS_BY_CVLOCBubble = application, Size of bubble = AFP 

RADAR_COMPLIANCE_2_LAST_SNAPSHOTSCompliance RadarApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0NoneGRAPH;RADAR_COMPLIANCE_2_LAST_SNAPSHOTSScore of compliance business criterion for application



Health Factors radarApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0NoneGRAPH;RADAR_HEALTH_FACTOR_2_LAST_SNAPSHOTSScore of health factors for application

RADAR_METRIC_IDGeneric radarApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • ID=list of metric id (BC, TC or QR) separated by ‘|’, for example ID=ID=60017|60016|66031|61007|7156|3566
Customizable radar


Transactions risk index Bar chartApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • SNAPSHOT=CURRENT or PREVIOUS, current by default
    COUNT: to restrict the list of transactions, -1 for all transactions, by default 20.
  • FILTER=SECU or EFF or ROB to sort the transactions , ROB by default
  • NAME=FULL or SHORT to display transactions by their short name or full name, SHORT by default

All options are optional (default values are taken if no option)

The transactions are sorted by max pri for filtering BC, so when you take only part of transaction (by default 20), these are the 20 transactions that have the max pri for filtering BC (by default robustness) that will be displayed.

Display the transaction risk index chart sorted by Robustness TRI for 20 transactions identified by their short names for current snapshot :

Display 50 transactions identified by their full names ordered by Security Tri, for previous snapshot :

Bars represents the Tri for the Security, Efficiency and Robustness, for each transactions order by max Tri from filter BC 

TREND_COMPLIANCECompliance trendingApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • ZOOM: if text “ZOOM” is present in options, it indicates that the min border value of the graph is the floor of the min value of the graph and the top border value is the ceiling of the max value (by default : min = 1 and max = 4)
GRAPH;TREND_COMPLIANCE;ZOOMLines represent the evolution of compliance BC for application following snapshots

TREND_HEALTH_FACTORHealth factors trendingApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • ZOOM=N.N (added value to the max value of the graph as superior border and removed value to the min value of the graph as inferior border ; no zoom by default)
GRAPH;TREND_HEALTH_FACTOR;ZOOM=0.2Lines represent the evolution of health factors for application following snapshots

TREND_METRIC_IDGeneric trendingApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0
  • QID=60017|66031|7126 : list BC, TC or QR metric id separated by | (max 10)
  • Or SID=10151|67211 : list of sizing measures id separated by | (max 10)
  • Or BID=66061|66062 : list of background facts id separated by | (max 10)
Lines represent the evolution of the selected metrics for application following snapshots

TREND_TECH_DEBTTechnical debt trending progressionApplicationCAST-RestAPI 1.8.0NoneGRAPH;TREND_TECH_DEBTLine represent the debt, bars debt added and removed during the snapshots for application

PF_TREND_TECH_DEBTTechnical debt trending progressionPortfolio

X axis is based on the last 6 previous quarter starting from today

CAST-RestAPI 1.8.0

NoneGRAPH;PF_TREND_TECH_DEBTDebt added and removed during the 6 last previous quarters