Summary: this page describes the new features and bugs that have been fixed in the CAST Report Generator 1.11.x.

Content matrix

VersionSummary of contentComments

Can be used with:

  • CAST-RESTAPI ≥ 1.11.x

Component documentation

Resolved issues


New templates

The following templates are new in v. 1.11.x:

  • CISQ Compliance Report v2.docx
  • CISQ Security Compliance Report.docx
  • CWE Compliance Report.docx
  • NIST-SP800-53R4 Compliance Report.docx
  • PCI-DSS-V3.1 ComplianceReport.docx
  • STIG V4R8 Standards-DetailedReport.docx
  • STIG V4R8 Standards Compliance Report.docx


  • You should use the above listed templates instead of any similar named templates delivered in previous releases of Report Generator. Older similarly named templates will be removed in a future release.
  • To use these templates, you must ensure that the Quality Standards Mapping extension is downloaded installed before your generate the snapshot data.

New components for templates


This component is new in v. 1.11.0 and displays the evolution of CAST rules associated to a quality standard category:

  • Options:
    • STD= Name of the quality standard category for which you want the details per tag, for example, STIG-V4R8-CAT1 will list total, added and removed violations for CAST rules associated to all tags belonging to category STIG-V4R8-CAT1.
    • LBL= Violations or vulnerabilities (vulnerabilities if not set) - this changes the headers from Vulnerabilities to Violations

Click to enlarge


Changes to existing components for templates


This component has been changed to add the EVOLUTION option:

  • EVOLUTION=true|false to display added and removed violations columns. By default or if not exists, is true (to keep compatibility with old version)

See CAST Report Generator - Table components - 1.11.0.


This component has been changed to add the CRITICITY option:

  • CRITICITY = c for "only critical violations", nc for "only non-critical violations", all for critical and non-critical violations (all by default if not configured)


  • all critical violations deleted for Business Criterion "Robustness": TABLE;REMOVED_VIOLATIONS_LIST;BCID=60013,COUNT=-1,CRITICITY=c
  • first 50 non-critical violations deleted for TQI: TABLE;REMOVED_VIOLATIONS_LIST;BCID=60017,COUNT=50,CRITICITY=nc
  • first 50 violations deleted for Business Criterion "Changeability" (critical and non critical): TABLE;REMOVED_VIOLATIONS_LIST;BCID=60012,COUNT=50,CRITICITY=all

See CAST Report Generator - Table components - 1.11.0.


These two components have been updated as follows: when there is an associated value of integer type, this value is also displayed. See CAST Report Generator - Table components - 1.11.0.


This component has been changed to add the MORE option:

  • MORE=true : add this if you have specified a category in STD and want the evolution of the tags associated to this category (not specified by default)

This option is valuable only when STD is a category (for example category = STIG-V4R8, tag = STIG-V4R8-CAT1). For a tag, there is no more data and the display is worse (for example tag = OWASP-2017 for which category=OWASP).  See CAST Report Generator - Table components - 1.11.0For example:


REPORTGEN-565 - Ability to use Report Generator with a CAST dashboard/RestAPI deployed with SAML authentication

If you have enabled SAML authentication mode for your CAST Dashboard/RestAPI deployment, Report Generator will not be able to authenticate to access data. This is because SAML is designed as a single sign-on mode for browsers and therefore non-browser clients (like Report Generator) cannot use the protocol. In order to resolve this issue, CAST provides the ability to define an API Key in the CAST dashboards/RestAPI that can be used to bypass SAML authentication.

How does this work?

  • SAML authentication mode is enabled and configured for your CAST dashboard/RestAPI deployment
  • In addition, an API Key is defined in the file in your CAST dashboard/RestAPI deployment
  • The API Key is used instead of a password
  • Clients must use two specific HTTP headers to ensure that the API Key is used (Report Generator GUI is pre-configured to send these headers, Report Generator CLI must use specific CLI options)
    • X-API-KEY: the API Key matching the key defined in the file
    • X-API-USER: a defined user name to obtain a CAST dashboard/RestAPI role and data authorization
  • When an API Key is used to bypass SAML mode, the user will be automatically granted the "ADMIN" role even if this role has not explicitly been granted to the user in question.

You can find out more about this in CAST Dashboard Package - RestAPI authentication using an API key.  To use the API key, you can define it in the GUI or via the command line (both the traditional Windows version and the cross-platform CAST Report Generator for Dashboards version). See the following documentation for more information:



REPORTGEN-572 - Obsolete templates removed and renamed

The following obsolete templates are no longer delivered with Report Generator:

  • 2- Word-components-library.docx
  • Portfolio/2- Portfolio-Word-components-library.docx

These templates have equivalent newer versions that have been delivered with Report Generator for some time (with the word "new" in the template title). Therefore the newer templates have been renamed to match the names of the removed templates. See CAST Report Generator - Templates and output options.