This section provides a detailed description of the contents of the Advanced panel in the CAST Database Extractor. By default this tab is not displayed - to view it, you need to select View > Advanced mode or View > Expert mode:

This panel enables you to define the various additional parameters for the extraction and delivery processes. CAST recommends only changing this options if you are fully aware of what you want to achieve.


Choose the appropriate RDMBS platform on which you want to carry out your extraction from the drop down list:

  • Oracle 12c
  • Oracle 11g

  • Oracle 10g

  • Oracle 9i

  • MS SQL Server 2014
  • MS SQL Server 2012
  • MS SQL Server 2008
  • MS SQL Server 2005
  • MS SQL Server 2000
  • Sybase ASE 15
  • Sybase ASE 12

This setting is optional - it exists for situations where you want to extract a given platform version using queries optimized for a specific version chosen using this option (i.e. extract Oracle 10g using Oracle 8 queries for example). Compatibility constraints will be maintained (i.e. it is not possible to extract Oracle 8 using Oracle 10g queries), in which case a message will be displayed when the extraction is run using the following template:

Platform: <SourcePlatform> incompatible with detected platform: <SelectedPlatform>

E.g: Platform: Oracle10g incompatible with detected platform: Oracle11g

Log FileThis option enables you to have transaction and error messages stored in a specific file on a local or network drive, in addition to the log displayed in the Log panel. Manually enter a log file name and location - or use the Browse button to search for a location. The log file will be a simple text file.
Log TimeBy default this option is set to TRUE. This option prefixes each line in the log (whether an external log file or the log displayed in the Log panel) with the date and time of each transaction during an Extraction or Delivery process. The format used is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.millisecond
Connection RetrySpecifies the number of connection retries that will be attempted. By default this is set to 3. Only use this option if you are specifically having issues extracting very large schemas/databases (i.e. the extraction is timing out and aborting).
Time Out (ms)Specifies the timeout duration in milliseconds. By default this is set to 2000. Only use this option if you are specifically having issues extracting very large schemas/databases (i.e. the extraction is timing out and aborting).
Secure Options

This option will hide (from the log (GUI and CLI) and from the script window (GUI) the following items:

  • Connection URL
  • User
  • Password
  • Databases/Schemas selected for extraction with the Database Parameters (-parameters) option.

The option should be used in secure environments. Items that are hidden are replaced with the * character.

Target Folders Dispatching

By default this option is set to FALSE. This option will force the results of the delivery process to be placed in multiple folders within the location defined in the Target panel. The uaxdirectory file will be placed at the root of the location defined in the Target panel. CAST highly recommends using this option if you are planning to deliver a very large single schema or a high number of multiple schemas:

  • the files generated by the deliver action will be spread over multiple folders, thus avoiding a situation where the host file system becomes overloaded
  • the time taken to deliver the results of the extraction action can be greatly reduced (anything up to ten times quicker)