Summary: instructions for installing the extension created after exporting the Quality Rule Model.


After you have exported the Quality Rule Model as an extension, you can install the extension in your CAST AIP schemas so that the rule(s) it contains will be triggered automatically during a CAST analysis/snapshot process. The exported extension contains all the necessary files to enable you to install the extension.

There are two methods for installing the extension:

  • using a batch file
  • using CAST Server Manager


(tick)CAST AIP

The extension installation process requires CAST AIP, therefore, if the current workstation does not have a supported release of CAST AIP installed on it, you will need to:

  • either install CAST AIP on the current workstation
  • or move the exported extension files to a workstation on which CAST AIP has already been installed
(tick)Copy extension files

The extension created by CAST Architecture Checker must be present in the following location:

(tick)Combined Installation

When using the batch script, you must have an existing Combined Installation of CAST AIP schemas, comprising the following schemas:

  • xxx_MNGT
  • xxx_CENTRAL
  • xxx_LOCAL

If you are using CAST Server Manager, then you can choose to install the extension with a new Combined Installation of CAST AIP schema or an existing Combined Installation of CAST AIP schema (in which case the same requirements apply as for the batch script installation process).

(tick)CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQLInstallation of an extension requires access to the CAST Storage Service on which the target CAST AIP schemas are hosted.
(tick)com.castsoftware.xset extensionThe extension created by CAST Architecture Checker has a dependency on the internal CAST AIP extension called com.castsoftware.xset. This extension must already have been downloaded on to the workstation where CAST AIP is installed and be present in %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions. com.castsoftware.xset will then be installed (unless it is already installed) when the CAST Architecture Checker extension is installed.

Installation process using a batch file

Note that this method does not function with CAST AIP 8.3.10 and 8.3.11 due to an internal bug. Please use the GUI method described in Installation process using CAST Server Manager below.

Locate and run the following batch file in the extension generated by the CAST Architecture checker:


The batch will first ask you to input where CAST AIP is installed - enter the full path surrounded by quote marks if the path contains white space, for example "C:\Program Files\CAST\8.3" and then tap ENTER:

Now enter the database user name for your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance and then tap ENTER. For example operator:

Now enter the password for the  database user name provided in the previous step and then tap ENTER. For example CastAIP:

Now enter the CAST AIP schema prefix - for example if your target CAST AIP schemas are named V8311_MNGT, V8311_CENTRAL and V8311_LOCAL, enter V8311 and then tap ENTER:

Now enter the extension version number. The batch will suggest the correct version number in square brackets based on the extension export files, therefore you just need to tap ENTER to confirm:

Now enter the port number on which your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance runs on and then tap ENTER. By default, port 2280 (CSS2) will be suggested:

Now enter the host name for the machine on which your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance is installed and then tap ENTER. By default, the batch will suggest the current machine host name:

Now tap any key to start the installation process:

The installation process will then start. On completion the following will be displayed:


Logs for the installation process are stored in:


A successfully installed extension will have two logs as follows:

You can check the content of the logs to verify that no errors were produced. The log_install_plugin_Combined.castlog log will also contain a list of extensions that were present in the target CAST AIP schemas before the installation and then after. You can check that the<name>.<version> and com.castsoftware.xset are correctly installed:

Status After Installation:
Installed Modules (Name, Version, Status):
CAL                  (   - UpToDate )
CAT                  (   - UpToDate )
CORE_PMC             (   - UpToDate )
RDBMSTOOLS           (   - UpToDate )
SYSTEM               (   - UpToDate )
PMC_MAIN             (   - UpToDate )
CAL_SHARED           (   - UpToDate )
MANAGE_PLUGINS_MNGT  ( 1.0.0     - UpToDate )
PMC                  (   - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.JEE-MavenHttp ( 2.0.2     - UpToDate )
/ ( 1.0.0-beta - UpToDate ) >>>>>> QUALITY RULE MODEL extension has been installed.
/com.castsoftware.angularjs ( 1.6.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.businessobject ( 1.0.2     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.dmtboextractiondiscoverer ( 1.0.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.dmtxmlscanner ( 1.2.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.dotnet ( 1.0.3     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.html5 ( 1.7.6     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.internal.platform ( 0.6.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.jaxrs ( 1.3.1     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.jee ( 1.0.9     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.jquery ( 1.6.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.nodejs ( 1.6.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.qualitystandards.20190204.0.0-funcrel ( (unversionned) - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.springmvc ( 1.5.1     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer ( 2.3.9     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.wbslinker ( 1.5.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.webfilesdiscoverer ( 1.1.0     - UpToDate )
/com.castsoftware.xset ( 1.0.0-beta1 - UpToDate )  >>>>>> XSET extension has been installed.

Installation process using CAST Server Manager

If you would prefer to use CAST Server Manager to install the extension, please see Install an extension for more information about how to do this.