A Layer represents a layer in your application's architecture. You can assign specific objects to the layer through the use of specific selection criteria. Layers are checked via the Check model option and have authorized or forbidden dependencies attached.
Note that layers are only used when creating an Architecture Model, not a Quality Rule Model.

A Set is an element that contains specific selection criteria for assigning objects. These Sets can then be re-used in Layers whenever required through the use of the Member of block or the Excluded from block (see Working with block elements for more information). Sets are not checked via the Check model option.

Note that sets are used when creating Architecture Models and Quality Rule Models.


The Unassigned item acts like a garbage collector that retrieves all unassigned objects (i.e not assigned to any other Layer in the Architecture Model). Its purpose is to help define the behavior of the Architecture Checker with regard to unassigned objects, authorize dependencies to these objects or keep the default behavior: i.e.  dependencies to unassigned objects are forbidden.

Note that

  • the Unassigned items is only used when creating an Architecture Model, not a Quality Rule Model.
  • when you define an Authorized type model (see Define a new Architecture Model), if there are "real life" links to objects that are not part of any layer in your model and you do not assign them to this Unassigned layer, the CAST Architecture Checker will report violations.
  • the Unassigned item is checked via the Check model option.
  • the Unassigned item can be displayed in the Model tab in the Main window.
DependencyA Dependency simply indicates that one layer depends on another or vice versa. This is indicated by a arrow between layers in the Model tab in the Main window. Note that layers can depend on each other, therefore you can define dependencies in both directions between two layers.