To define a new Architecture Model, use the File > New Architecture Model toolbar option or right click the blank Main window (Model tab) and select New Architecture Model. A dialog box will then be displayed enabling you to define the new model:

Click OK to complete the creation of the Architecture Model. When an Architecture Model is created, it is blank - i.e. no Layers, Sets or Dependencies exist.

Architecture Model nameEnter a name for your Model - this simply identifies the Architecture Model to you.
Choose Template
Allows you to select the custom template you require from the drop downlist - the CAST Architecture Checker will offer you all the predefined templates shipped with the software, and any custom templates you have saved to the default template storage location (%USERPROFILE%\Documents). Your new model will open containing all configuration saved to the custom template you have chosen.

Alternatively you can choose Blank Template, which will give you an empty Architecture Model.

See Working with Templates for more information.

Note that the predefined templates shipped with the software are located in the configuration\ACTemplate folder in the CAST Architecture Checker installation folder.
Dependency Type
This drop down list enabled you to select the type of Architecture Model you want to create, depending on your requirements:
  • a model defining authorized dependencies between layers - i.e. links between objects that are authorized
  • a model defining forbidden dependencies between layers - i.e. links between objects that are forbidden

Authorized model type

  • When two layers have no links between them in the model and in reality there are links, then a violation will be reported.
  • If a link between two layers is created in the model, then no violations will ever be raised regardless of whether in reality links exist or not.

Forbidden model type

  • When two layers have no link between them in the model, whatever the reality is, no violations will be reported.
  • Violations will be reported only when a link between two layers is created in the model and in reality the link exists.