Summary: This section describes how to configure user authentication for the CAST dashboards.


The CAST dashboards have various authentication modes available for use:

Default authenticationThis mode is active by default and relies on simple username/password authentication defined in the application-security-default.xml configuration file within the web application.
Standard LDAP

This mode is inactive by default and allows users to authenticate with a standard LDAP server. For example:

  • Basic Active Directory domain controllers
  • Other members of the Active Directory family such as ADAM / AD LDS
  • Non-Microsoft directories such as Apache, Oracle, Novell etc.

Note that the configuration of Standard LDAP mode requires detailed knowledge of your environment's LDAP implementation - i.e. an LDAP administrator should help with this.


This mode is inactive by default and allows users to authenticate via SAML.

Note that the configuration of SAML mode requires detailed knowledge of your environment - i.e. SAML administrator should help with this.

Authentication mode activation

The activation of the available authentication modes is governed by a .properties configuration file within the web application:

WAR 1.x

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/

In the .properties configuration file, activation is handled by the following line. In the "out of the box" state, the default security mode is active as shown below. Only one mode can be active at a time:


To activate a mode, change the following line to the required security mode:

  • default -> The initial mode when you deploy the application
  • ldap -> Set this mode for authentication over LDAP(S)
  • saml -> Set this mode for authentication over SAML

For example, to change from the Default authentication security mode to Standard LDAP:


Following any changes you make, save the .properties file and then restart the web application so that the changes are taken into account.

Default authentication mode

Click here to expand...

This mode is enabled by default "out of the box" with the following username and case sensitive password (usernames are NOT case sensitive):



guestmy_passwordNoGroupSee the section below for more information about groups.

If you would like to alter the password for this existing username, or you would like to add additional username/passwords, you need to modify the following file with a text editor:

WAR 1.x

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/

This file contains the following line which defines the usernames that can access the Dashboard:


Note that when using the Java JAR installer, this file will contain the details of the user declared in the installer.
  • A user is defined on a single line.
  • If the username or password contains special characters (non US-ANSI characters) such as é,è,à,ç,ù, etc., you must ensure that your text editor saves the file with iso-8859-1 encoding.
  • The enabled/disabled entry must ALWAYS be placed at the very end of the line.
  • A user added in this file does not have permission to access any data, therefore you must either grant this user specific roles or grant access to the data via an authorization.


Adding a new user

To add a new user, add an additional line into the file. The following examples will add in a username "jhu" with the password "password" with no group configuration:


Following any changes you make, save the file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account. 

 Note that when you add a new user, the user will initially not have access to any data - an error will be displayed when the user attempts to log in. You must therefore either:

  • configure an authorization (see Data authorization) specific to the new user to grant the user access to data
  • or grant the user (or the group the user belongs to) the ADMIN role which has access to all data and therefore does not require an authorization configuration (but you should use this role with caution!)

Removing an existing user

To remove an existing user, remove the corresponding line from the file. Following any changes you make, save the file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.

Editing an existing user

To edit an existing user, edit the corresponding line in the file. Following any changes you make, save the file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.

Disabling a user without removing it from the file

To disable a user, change the enabled parameter to disabled:


Following any changes you make, save the file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.

User groups

Users can be grouped together to facilitate authorization assignments (see Data authorization) - for example, a set of users can be assigned to a group and that group can then be authorized to view the required data instead of having to authorize individual users. Groups are defined in the following file:

WAR 1.x

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/

Adding a new group

In this example we will add the group "CIO" and associate the existing user "jhu" to that group:


Replace the NoGroup entry with the name of the group "CIO", ensuring that enabled is always at the end of the line:


If other users should also be members of this group, add them in the same way:


A user can be a member of several groups. The following defines the existing user "jhu" as member of the "CIO" and "Users" groups - i.e. comma separated group names:


Following any changes you make, save the file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.

Note that when a group name is defined in the file, the group is automatically created. The group does not need to be declared or defined anywhere else. 

Standard LDAP mode

Click here to expand...

Note that the configuration of the Standard LDAP mode requires detailed knowledge of your environment's LDAP implementation - i.e. an LDAP administrator should help with this.

This mode is not enabled by default "out of the box". It may be used with any LDAP compatible corporate directory. It allows users to login to the dashboard with their corporate LDAP credentials. LDAP groups can also be used for authorization assignments and for role assignments. CAST has provided place holder parameters, so you must change these before authentication will work correctly. To do so, modify the following configuration file within the web application:

WAR 1.x

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/

This file contains the following section which defines the required parameters:

WAR 1.x

# Parameters for ldap mode
# ------------------------

WAR ≥ 2.x and ZIP/JAR ≥ 2.x

## Note that the placeholders for user and group search filters are set specifically for Microsoft Active Directory.
## If your organization uses a different implementation of LDAP, you may need to modify these placeholders accordingly.
# LDAP url, in the form ldap://HOST:PORT
# The ldap base where users and groups can be found
# The DN for accessing the LDAP repository. You can encrypt this using the aip encryption tool
# The associated password. You can encrypt this using the aip encryption tool
# The attribute containing the user's login
# NOTE: Unused, it might be useful later to map a DN to a user's full name
# security.ldap.user.nameattribute=sAMAccountName
# The base for the user search which can be left empty
# NOTE: No need to add the initial base, it will be taken into account
# The Filter for user search
# The attribute of a group entry to obtain the role name
# The base for the group search
# NOTE: No need to add the initial base, it will be taken into account
# The filter to search for a group
# The filter to check membership of a group
# Performance fix for nested groups on AD

You first need to change the following parameters marked in red to match the URL and the service account required to connect to your LDAP directory:

WAR 1.x
  • security.ldap.url=ldap://
  • security.ldap.account.dn=cn=serviceaccount,dc=example,dc=com
  • security.ldap.account.password=password
WAR ≥ 2.x and ZIP/JAR ≥ 2.x
  • security.ldap.url=ldap://
  • security.ldap.base=dc=example,dc=com
  • security.ldap.manager.dn=cn=serviceaccount,ou=resources,ou=fr,dc=example,dc=com
  • security.ldap.account.password=password

It is possible to encrypt the LDAP service account password to avoid entering values in clear text, please see Encrypt login and password for database and LDAP for more information about this.

You then need to change the following parameters marked in red related to searching the users/groups in your directory - specifically if you are leveraging groups to manage data authorization:

WAR 1.x
  • security.ldap.usersearch.base > The root tree node from which users should be searched.
  • security.ldap.usersearch.filter > The criteria for searching users: you must change "user" and "sAMAccountName" to match your directory structure
  • security.ldap.groupsearch.base > The root tree node from which groups should be searched
  • security.ldap.groupsearch.filter > The criteria for searching users: you must change "group" and "member" to match your directory structure
WAR ≥ 2.x and ZIP/JAR ≥ 2.x
  • security.ldap.usersearch.base > The root tree node from which users should be searched.
  • security.ldap.usersearch.filter > The criteria for searching users: you must change "user" and "sAMAccountName" to match your directory structure
  • security.ldap.groupsearch.roleAttribute > The attribute of a group entry to obtain the role name
  • security.ldap.groupsearch.base > The root tree node from which groups should be searched. Note that the initial base is defined in the security.ldap.base entry, therefore there is no need to repeat it here.
  • security.ldap.groupsearch.filter > The criteria for searching users: you must change "group" and "member" to match your directory structure

Note for the security.ldap.usersearch.base and security.ldap.groupsearch.base parameters: the initial base is defined in the security.ldap.base parameter, therefore unless you need to narrow down the search base further, you can leave these fields empty. If you do need to narrow down the search base, do not repeat the security.ldap.base entry. For example, if the security.ldap.base entry is set to DC=my_company,DC=com and you want to narrow the search down further, simply enter the smaller unit, for example security.ldap.usersearch.base=OU=my_users.

For some LDAP servers:

  • the security.ldap.usersearch.filter parameter may take the following form "security.ldap.usersearch.filter=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={0}))"
  • the security.ldap.groupsearch.filter parameter may take the following form "security.ldap.groupsearch.filter=(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={0]))"

Following any changes you make, save the .properties file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account. Users should now be able to access the dashboard using their corporate LDAP login - authentication is therefore the responsibility of the corporate LDAP directory.

Note that:

  • enabling Standard LDAP mode will disable the Default Authentication mode
  • By default, the log mechanism is not configured to provide any logging information to debug Active Directory authentication issues - if you have encountered issues activating Active Directory authentication, please enable DEBUG mode as described in Configuring the Log and Audit Trail.
  • by default LDAP users will initially not have access to any data - an error will be displayed when the user attempts to log in. You must therefore either:
    • configure an Authorization (see Data authorization) specific to the user (or to a group the user belongs to) to grant the user access to data
    • or grant the user (or the group the user belongs to) the ADMIN role which has access to all data and therefore does not require an authorization configuration (but you should use this role with caution!)
  • If any of your entries contain non-standard characters such as a CN in the form "Surname, Name" (in this example containing a non-standard comma), then you must escape the non-standard character with a backslash "\", i.e. cn=Surname\, Name.

Notes about Groups

  • Users can be grouped together to facilitate authorization assignments (see Data authorization) - for example, a set of users can be assigned to a group and that group can then be authorized to view the required data instead of having to authorize individual users. In Standard LDAP mode, Groups are retrieved directly from the LDAP directory as configured in the .properties file.
  • Nested groups are supported, both for authorization assignments (see Data authorization) and for role assignments. For instance, if user jdoe is member of groupA, which is member of groupB which is used to define an authorization or role, then jdoe will be attributed the groupB authorizations/roles.

Using LDAPS (LDAP over SSL)

If your LDAP server requires that you use LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) then you must ensure that the following is done:

  • Use a ldaps:// URL in the security.ldap.url parameter in the .properties file.
  • The LDAP server's SSL certificate or a parent certificate (CA) also needs to be imported into the truststore for the default Java implementation (i.e. JRE) used by the web application server. To do this, you need to use the keytool command line utility (provided with the JRE - see for more information) on the workstation on which the web application server is running. For example:
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -importcert -alias [alias] -keystore [path-to-jre/lib/security/cacerts] -file [path-to-certificate-file]

Note that you may be prompted for the password of the keystore. By default this password is set to "changeit".

SAML mode

Click here to expand...

This mode is not enabled by default "out of the box".


Before you can configure your CAST AIP web applications to use SAML authentication, the following prerequisites must already be in place:

CAST AIP web applications deployed and functioningThe CAST AIP web applications must be deployed and functioning before you can proceed. In particular you must ensure that any roles and data authorizations are already configured.
Apache Tomcat / standalone ZIP configured for HTTPS

The Apache Tomcat host server / standalone ZIP deployments must be configured to use the HTTPS protocol. See:

FederationMetadata.xmlThis file must be provided by your IT administrators before you can proceed.
Key pair generation

Two public/private key pairs must be generated on the host machine in a dedicated keystore to allow encrypted communication with the Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS). See below for more information. 

Supported versions of SAML


Things to know

  • When SAML authentication mode is enabled, the client browser will ALWAYS fetch required resources from the Dashboard server and will NEVER take them directly from the browser cache. This behaviour is "normal" due to security requirements of the SAML implementation.

Configuration process

Request FederationMetadata.xml

You must request the FederationMetadata.xml file from your IT administrators. When you have received the file, you should store it in a location that can be accessed from the web application, for example, within the Apache Tomcat installation location or within the unpacked ZIP/JAR. For example:

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\FederationMetadata.xml
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/FederationMetadata.xml

ZIP ≥ 2.x

Apache Tomcat
Windows: D:/apache-tomcat/conf/FederationMetadata.xml
Linux: /opt/apache-tomcat/conf/FederationMetadata.xml

Key pair generation

Two public/private key pairs must be generated on the host server in a dedicated keystore to allow encrypted communication with the Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS):

  • One key is specific to SAML
  • One key is specific to SSL.

To do so, you need to use the keytool command line utility provided with the JRE on the host server. You can refer to and specifically for more information about how to use keytool with the -genkeypair command (these links refer to Oracle's Java implementation, and other JRE providers will have their own instructions, which you should use). Additional information is available in

Example command lines to generate two key pair files using the JKS format (text marked with < > should be modified for your own environment):

%JAVA_HOME%\keytool -genkeypair -alias <some-unique-alias> -keyalg <RSA> -keysize <2048> -validity <365> -sigalg <SHA256withRSA> -dname "CN=<commonName>, OU=<organizationalUnitName>, O=<organizationName>, L=<localityName>, ST=<stateOrProvinceName>, C=<countryName>" -keypass <my_password> -storetype JKS -keystore <samlKeystore.jks> -storepass <storepass>
%JAVA_HOME%\keytool -genkeypair -alias <some-unique-alias> -keyalg <RSA> -keysize <2048> -validity <365> -sigalg <SHA256withRSA> -dname "CN=<commonName>, OU=<organizationalUnitName>, O=<organizationName>, L=<localityName>, ST=<stateOrProvinceName>, C=<countryName>" -keypass <my_password> -storetype JKS -keystore <sslKeystore.jks> -storepass <storepass>



Choose a name in the Java KeyStore the generated key should be identified by.  Remember, an alias can only point to one key so you should generate a unique alias for each key pair:

-alias samlKeystore
-alias sslKeystore
-keyalg, -keysize, -validityChoose these options according to your own requirements (see for more information).
-sigalgThe signature algorithm used to sign the key pair. CAST Dashboards support SHA256withRSA.
-dnameThe Distinguished Name from the X.500 standard. This name will be associated with the alias for this key pair in the KeyStore. The dname is also used as the "issuer" and "subject" fields when using a self signed certificate.

This option configures a password that is used to protect the key pair within the KeyStore. The value must be at least 6 characters.

-storetypeThe file format the KeyStore should be saved in. The default is JKS.

The name of the KeyStore file to store the generated key pair in. If the file does not exist already, it will be created, for example:



The password for the entire KeyStore file. Anyone who wants to open this KeyStore later will need this password. The storepass is not the same as the keypass. The keypass password only counts for a single key. You will need both the storepass password and the keypass to access any given key stored in a KeyStore.

If you are adding the new key to an existing keystore defined by the -keystore command, then you will require the password defined at the time the existing keystore was created. If this is a new keystore, this command creates a new password for the new keystore, which you should retain.

Note that since you will be storing both keys in the same keystore, you should use the same -keypass and -storepass passwords during each key pair creation. These passwords are required in later steps.

Activate and configure the authentication mode in the web application

Activation and configuration of the SAML authentication mode is governed by a .properties configuration file within the web application:

WAR 1.x

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/

To activate the SAML authentication mode, change the following line. For example, to change from the Default authentication security mode to SAML, do as follows. Change:




Save the .properties file.

Configure SAML authentication

Find the SAML parameters section in the .properties configuration file and modify each uncommented line to match the items you have already configured. Save the .properties file when complete.

WAR 1.x

# Parameters for saml mode
# ------------------------
# idp metadata file
# attribute name for group in saml response
# Key store path
# key store password
# Key alias
# Key password
# is Single Logout implemented in the customer IDP ?

WAR and ZIP/JAR ≥ 2.x

# or a classpath resource using "classpath:myMetadataFile.xml" for example
# NB : when using an HTTPS metadata source, you must first add the public certificate to the keystore
# Specify the filename of the keystore to use for the SAML certificates
# The file must be placed inside the security.config.folder
# Specify the default alias in the keystore for the certificate
# Specify the keystore and alias password
# The XML attribute containing the user's name
# If this attribute is missing or empty, the user ID will be used
# The XML attribute containing the user's group in the SAML response
# is Single Logout implemented in the customer IDP ?
# -------------------------------------------------------------
#  ssl configuration, ssl is required when enable the saml mode
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# The format used for the keystore. It could be set to JKS in case it is a JKS file
# The path to the keystore containing the certificate
# The password used to generate the certificate
# The alias mapped to the certificate

1.x = security.saml.idp.metadata.location

2.x = security.saml.metadata.source

Location of the FederationMetadata.xml file. For example: 

  • Windows: D:/apache-tomcat/conf/FederationMetadata.xml
  • Linux: /opt/apache-tomcat/conf/FederationMetadata.xml

1.x =

2.x = security.saml.attribute.username

2.x =

Name of the username and/or group attribute (please discuss with your IT administrators about this option). Note that for group attributes, you should normally use (to be confirmed with your SAML admins):, for example:

  • 1.x =
  • 2.x =

1.x = security.saml.keystore.path

2.x = security.saml.keystore.filename

Location of the keystore you created previously.


The keystore password you created previously (corresponds to the -storepass option for keytool)

1.x = security.saml.key.alias

2.x = security.saml.keystore.default-alias

The keystore alias you created previously.

1.x = security.saml.key.password

2.x = security.saml.keystore.password

The key password you created previously (corresponds to the -keypass option for keytool).


If SAML authentication is in operation, but no Single Logout service is provided in the IdP, you can force the dashboard to handle this situation gracefully and display a message explaining what to do by setting the option to true (default):


Enter the type of SSL keystore you have used to generate the SSL public/private key pair. If you do not explicitly set this when generating the SSL public/private key pair (i.e. explicitly using the -storetype command), then it will default to JKS which is what you should enter:


Full path to the SSL certificate file you created previously when generating the SSL public/private key pair (with the -keystore command). You may need to escape the path:


CAST highly recommends placing the Java keystore in a location outside of system folders because this may prevent CAST from accessing the required files. CAST recommends a folder at the root of the system drive ensuring that file permissions are adequate.
server.ssl.key-store-passwordThe SSL keystore password you entered previously when prompted while generating the SSL public/private key pair.

The SSL key alias you created previously when generating the SSL public/private key pair (with the -alias command). For example:


Restart Apache Tomcat / ZIP file

Now restart your Apache Tomcat server or the web application ZIP file so that the changes you made are taken into account.

Modify application-security-saml.xml file - only required in 2.x releases

If you are using CAST Dashboards ≥ 2.0, please ensure that you modify the application-security-saml.xml file located here:

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\security
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/security

First you need to update the "metadataGenerator" to match the location of your Dashboard deployment. Locate the following section:

<!-- Define basic information regarding WEBI as a Service Provider -->
<bean id="metadataGenerator" class="">
	<property name="entityId" value="https://localhost:8080/saml/metadata"/>
	<property name="extendedMetadata" ref="extendedMetadata"/>
	<property name="includeDiscoveryExtension" value="false"/>
	<property name="keyManager" ref="keyManager"/>

Change the line <property name="entityId" value="https://localhost:8080/saml/metadata"/> to match your own deployment. Some examples for the "value" parameter are given below:

<property name="entityId" value="https://<my_server_dns_name>/saml/metadata"/>
<property name="entityId" value="https://<my_server_dns_name>/<deployed_war>/saml/metadata"/>
<property name="entityId" value="https://<my_server_dns_name><:custom_ssl_port>/<deployed_war>/saml/metadata"/>
<property name="entityId" value="https://<my_server_ip_address>/saml/metadata"/>
<property name="entityId" value="https://<my_server_ip_address>/<deployed_war>/saml/metadata"/>
<property name="entityId" value="https://<my_server_ip_address><:custom_ssl_port>/<deployed_war>/saml/metadata"/>

Next update the successRedirectHandler to configure the redirect after a successful login. Locate the following section:

<bean id="successRedirectHandler"
	<property name="alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl" value="true"/>
	<!-- the default landing url after login successful -->
	<property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/engineering/index.html"/>

Change the line <property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/engineering/index.html"/> to match your own deployment. For example:

Engineering Dashboard: <property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/engineering/index.html"/>
Health Dashboard: <property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/portal/index.html"/>
Security Dashbaord:<property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/security/index.html"/>
Combined Health/Engineering: <property name="defaultTargetUrl" value="/welcome.html"/>

Save the file and restart your Apache Tomcat server or the web application ZIP file so that the changes you made are taken into account.

If you have a load balancer/reverse proxy in front of the deployed Dashboards, which is configured to use HTTPS and CAST Dashboards are configured to use HTTP, you may need to add a parameter (entityBaseURL) to the application-security-saml.xml file that ensures that the load balancer/reverse proxy is the component providing the HTTPS connection. In the following example, the entityId parameter points to the load balancer/reverse proxy to retrieve the metadata and the entityBaseURL parameter has been added, which simply points to the root path of the load balancer/reverse proxy:

<!-- Define basic information regarding WEBI as a Service Provider -->
<bean id="metadataGenerator" class="">
	<property name="entityId" value="https://my_host/saml/metadata"/>
	<property name="entityBaseURL" value="https://my_host"/>
	<property name="extendedMetadata" ref="extendedMetadata"/>
	<property name="includeDiscoveryExtension" value="false"/>
	<property name="keyManager" ref="keyManager"/>

You can find out more about this in

Generate spring_metadata

Now browse to the following URL to generate the spring_metadata:

WAR file deployment:

ZIP/JAR file deployment:

This will download a file called spring_saml_metadata.xml. Send this file to your IT administrators who will then register it in the ADFS allowing users to login to the web application.


If you face issues configuring SAML authentication, you may wish to try the following change which will allow metadata with an invalid signature or signed by a not-trusted credential to be accepted. Open the following file in a text editor:

WAR ≥ 2.x
ZIP ≥ 2.x

JAR ≥ 2.x
Windows: %\ProgramData%\CAST\Dashboards\security\application-security-saml.xml
Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/application-security-saml.xml

Change the following from this:

<property name="metadataRequireSignature" value="true"/>

to this:

<property name="metadataRequireSignature" value="false"/>

Save the file and then restart the CAST Dashboard in order for the new configuration to be taken into account.

Note that this suggestion cannot be used with CAST Dashboards  1.x since the required <property> tag does not exist in the application-security-saml.xml file.


  • Attempting to use the login button in the static/default.html page in the CAST Health Dashboard, Engineering Dashboard, Security Dashboard and the RestAPI will fail when SAML mode is configured: this button is only configured to use basic authentication. If you need to use any of the options provided in the static/default.html page (which all require a login), you must ensure that you login to the dashboard in the conventional way, and THEN access the static/default.html page in your browser.
  • ADFS are very sensitive: if badly set, authentication will fail.
  • By default, the log mechanism is not configured to provide any logging information to debug SAML authentication issues - if you have encountered issues activating SAML authentication, please enable DEBUG mode as described in Configuring the Log and Audit Trail.

Notes about Groups

  • SAML groups can also be used for authorization assignments (for example, a set of users can be assigned to a group and that group can then be authorized to view the required data instead of having to authorize individual users) and for role assignments. In SAML mode, Groups are retrieved directly from the SAML directory.
  • Nested groups are supported, both for authorization assignments and for role assignments. For instance, if user jdoe is member of groupA, which is member of groupB which is used to define an authorization or role, then jdoe will be attributed the groupB authorizations/roles.