Summary: this page describes the new features and bugs that have been fixed in the CAST Dashboard Package 1.8.0.

Content matrix

VersionSummary of contentComments
  • Appmarq insight integration in Health Dashboard
  • Education and Continuous Improvement in Engineering Dashboard
  • Educate option in Advanced search results Engineering Dashboard
  • Top Priority Violations tile in Health Dashboard
  • Session time-out re-design

Can be used with:

  • 8.3.3 - 8.3.15
Note that starting from release 1.8.0, the CAST Security Dashboard related WAR files are no longer provided.

RestAPI documentation

Resolved issues

Internal IDCall IDSituation
DASHBOARDS-564-Engineering Dashboard truncates "Rational" text in the violation drill-down page.

New features - CAST Health Dashboard

SCRAIP-15793 - Appmarq insight

Changes have been made to allow Appmarq data (anonymous statistics collected from a large range of industry-wide applications) to be integrated into the CAST Health Dashboard. This integration will allow you to compare the application health and delivery performance of your applications against data from a wide-range of industry peers.

Enabling/disabling AppMarq data integration

Click here to expand...

Out-of-the box, AppMarq data integration is already enabled in this release of the CAST Health Dashboard. If you would prefer not to see this data, you can disable it by editing the following file:


The integration is controlled using the "appMarq": true, option. Change this option to false as shown below to disable the data integration:

    "title": "Health Dashboard",
    "defaultLanguage": "English",
    "description": "To configure new language for application, define customLanguages as [{'label': 'languageName', 'value': 'localeFolderName'}]",
    "customLanguages": [],
    "horizontalScroll": false,
    "requestAccess": false,
    "appMarq": false,
    "failedRatio": false,
    "confirmLogout": true,

What data is available?

Click here to expand...

When Appmarq data integration is enabled the following can be seen in the CAST Health Dashboard:

Two new columns for Health Measure drill down

Two new columns are visible when drilling down from a Health Measure tile (such as TQI, Robustness, Security, Efficiency etc.)

Click to enlarge

IndustryThis column displays the average Appmarq compliance ratio for the specific Technical Criteria or Rule - i.e. the average compliance ratio across all Applications currently managed in Appmarq. Note that "N/A" will be displayed in blue if the filters Only critical rules and Only rules with violations are active.

This column shows the % difference between the % Compliance column (i.e. the compliance ratio for the specific Technical Criteria or Rule for the current Application in the current snapshot) and the Industry column. In other words you can quickly see if your Application is performing better or worse than the average for all Applications currently managed in Appmarq:

  • A positive difference is highlighted in green - i.e. this shows that the current Application is performing better than the Appmarq average
  • A negative difference is highlighted in red - i.e. this shows that the current Application is performing worse than the Appmarq average

Quartile information

For each Health Measure, a Quartile indicator will be visible:

The Quartile indicator is a quick visualization using a "traffic light" system of how the current Application compares to all Applications currently managed in Appmarq. For example, in the image above the first Quartile is shaded green, this means that the current Application has a score for the Security Health Measure that is in the top 25% of the compliance ratios of all Applications currently managed in Appmarq - in other words, the current Application is performing well for this Health Measure compared to Appmarq data.

Quartile thresholds are based on the Appmarq data using a percentage scale for each Health Measure - the thresholds can therefore vary when new Appmarq data is integrated into the dashboard. The current Application's compliance ratios for all rules attached to the current Health Measure are totalled and an average value is produced. This average value is then compared with the Appmarq data for the same Health Measure and is ranked as follows:

  • If the average falls between the upper and max thresholds, it will be marked as 1st Quartile and displayed with a green color
  • If the average falls between median and upper thresholds, it will be marked as 2nd Quartile and displayed with an amber color 
  • If the average falls between lower and median thresholds, it will be marked as 3rd Quartile and displayed with a with red color
  • If the average falls between min and lower thresholds, it will be marked as 4th Quartile - displays with dark red color

Appmarq data validity period

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Appmarq data is provided with the CAST Health Dashboard (in the form of a .json file): this data will be marked in the dashboard as "up-to-date" for three months from first use:

Click to enlarge

After this period of time, the Appmarq data will be marked as out-of-date - but you can continue to use it:

Click to enlarge

If you want to use fresh and up-to-date Appmarq data, you will need an Appmarq subscription which will give you the option to download new data and integrate it into the dashboard.

Refreshing out-of-date Appmarq data

Click here to expand...

Appmarq data is provided in the WAR file in the following file:


To refresh the Appmarq data if it is marked as out-of-date, replace this file with a new one (available from the Appmarq website) and then restart the application server so that the new data is take into account.

DASHBOARDS-566 - New Top Priority tile

A new tile has been added at Portfolio and Application level:

This tile displays the number of violations for rules that have the tag AIP-TOP-PRIORITY. Typically, rules with this tag are provided in the extension System Level Rules, but other rules may also have this tag. In general these rules are considered to be more critical than rules tagged as "critical". Clicking on the tile will bring you to the System Level Violations list:

Click to enlarge

The tile is configured as follows:

  "id": 108,
  "plugin": "QualityStandards",
  "color": "light-red",
  "parameters": {
	"title": "Top Priority",
	"qualityStandards": {
	  "id": "AIP-TOP-PRIORITY",
	  "format": "0,000",
	  "description": "Violations"

This tile requires that the following extensions are installed BEFORE a snapshot is generated:

DASHBOARDS-656 - Rename "Rule Compliance" as "Best Practices" and re-arrange new "Best Practices" tab

The use of the phrase Rule Compliance in the Health Dashboard has been retired and all instances of this phrase have been replaced with Best Practices. For example:

In addition, the newly renamed Best Practices tab has been re-organized:

  • Criterion have been re-organized
  • TQI criterion has been removed

New features - CAST Engineering Dashboard

DASHBOARDS-559 - Education List now has its own sidebar menu access

The Education List has been separated out from the Action Plan and Exclusions tabs and now has its own sidebar menu access title Education and Continuous Improvement. The Action Plan and Exclusions lists remain in their existing locations:

Education and Continuous ImprovementMonitor Actions and Exclusions

In addition, the Active column has now been replaced with the Action column:

Previously the Active column described (via a simple Yes/No) whether the rule would be added to the Action Plan when the next snapshot is run. The behaviour in the new Action column is the same but the wording has been changed:

  • Mark for continuous improvement - the violations associated to the rule will not be added to the Action Plan when the next snapshot is run
  • Mark for action - the violations associated to the rule will be added to the Action Plan when the next snapshot is run

Finally, when adding violations to the Education list, the popup dialog that is displayed has an option that will force the associated violations to be added to the Action Plan. Previously this option was called Active on next snapshot and is now adrop down list with two options: Mark for Action and Mark for continuous improvement (the behaviour is the same):

Click to enlarge:

DASHBOARDS-589 - New Continuous Improvement tile

A new tile has been added to the dashboard home page:

This tile shows the following information:

  • Removed Violations in the current snapshot
  • Added Violations in the current snapshot

No data is shown when a previous snapshot is activated. Clicking the tile will take you direct to the new Improvement tab, which is part of Education and Continuous Improvement.

DASHBOARDS-704 - New Continuous Improvement tab

A new Improvement tab has been added to the new Education and Continuous Improvement option in the side bar menu:

What information does this tab provide?

Click here to expand...

This page allows you to view details/violations/statistics about the rules that have been selected for Education:

  • All the rules marked for "Education" are listed in the upper right corner, with a selector for all the rules. Selecting or deselecting a rule will update the statistics and graphs.

  • Three violation status radio buttons listed in the bottom right corner - selecting a specific option will update the statistics and graphs about the rules that have been selected in the upper right corner:

  • A graph depicting violations count in the y-axis and snapshots date in the x-axis together with a Violations improvement-summary on top of the Graph:

  • Table showing a list of Violations in the current snapshot for all rules selected in the upper right corner:

When no rules have been added to the Education tab, the page will display:

When a previous snapshot is active, no data can be displayed in the Improvement tab and the following will be displayed:

Rules can be exported to Excel:

Violation statuses

Selecting one of the three Violation statuses will update the graphs as described below:

Click here to expand...


On selection of the Added status, the graph will display the number of Violations added in the current snapshot and the number of Violations added since initial snapshot for a selected rule. Hovering the mouse pointer over the graph tool tip text displays added violations count, snapshot version and snapshot date for that particular snapshot in the x-axis:


On selection of the Removed status, the graph will display the number of Violations removed in the current snapshot and the number of Violations removed since initial snapshot for a selected rule. Hovering the mouse pointer over the graph tool tip text displays added violations count, snapshot version and snapshot date for that particular snapshot in the x-axis:


On selection of the Total status , the graph will display the number of Violations in current snapshot, percentage (number) of violations that have Increased since initial snapshot and the percentage of violations that have Increased since previous snapshot for a selected rule.  Hovering the mouse pointer over the graph tool tip text displays added violations count, snapshot version and snapshot date for that particular snapshot in the x-axis:

DASHBOARDS-470 - Advanced Search, implement clear all filter selection in one go

When using the Advanced Search feature, it is now possible to clear any selections that have been made in the list of results, in one go. Use the Clear Selection option in the option menu - all selections that have already been made (ticks in the check boxes) will be cleared:

DASHBOARDS-496 - Advanced search, ability to add items to Action Plan, Exclusion list and Education list

It is now possible to add items to the Action Plan, Exclusion list and Education list from the Advanced search results page, depending on the roles that the current user has been granted (i.e. if you do not have the appropriate role, you cannot add the item to the list):

Click to enlarge:

Note that when a user has all available roles, the drop down options will be enabled as below:

  • Selector will be disabled if a Rule is added to Educate and violations (belonging to the rule) are added either to Action Plan or Exclusion:

  • Selector will be enabled when violation/rule is added only to Action plan/Exclusion/Educate. But respective drop-down option will be disabled:

New features - All dashboards

DASHBOARDS-739 - Session timeout redesign

In order to comply with security standards, the way the dashboards handle session timeout has been re-designed. Users will now be notified when the dashboard detects a session timeout (i.e. there is no GET or POST activity) with an opportunity to continue the session (if within the timeout period) or log back in (if the timeout period has expired) to the system. The implementation is supported for all possible authentication modes: Default, LDAP and SAML.

On timeout, the following dialog box will be displayed - this indicates (in the upper right corner) how many seconds are remaining before a re-login will be required - the default remaining seconds is set to 10. Clicking Continue will return to the session without requiring a login:

Click to enlarge

If the Time left gets to 0, then the Continue button will be disabled and the re-login button will be activated. Clicking Re-login will return the user to the login screen where authentication is required to continue the session:

Click to enlarge

Note that when SAML/SSO authentication is in operation, users will be redirected to the dashboard home page (i.e. no need to re-login) when they click the Re-Login button.

You can modify the remaining seconds before a login is required by editing the following files:

Health Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\CAST-Health\portal\resources\cmp.json
Engineering Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\CAST-Engineering\engineering\resources\ced.json

Add the following line in the opening { where xx = the number of seconds you want to define before a login is required:


For example, 30 seconds has been defined:

    "title": "Health Dashboard",
    "defaultLanguage": "English",
    "description": "To configure new language for application, define customLanguages as [{'label': 'languageName', 'value': 'localeFolderName'}]",
    "customLanguages": [],
    "horizontalScroll": false,
    "requestAccess": false,
    "appMarq": false,
    "failedRatio": false,
    "confirmLogout": true,