Summary: this page describes how to change the template email that is created when a user uses one of the "Can't access" options on the login screen of the dashboard.

If for any reason a user cannot access the dashboard (they do not have a login or they have forgotten their password), it is possible to configure a "Can't access" link to be displayed on the dashboard login page (by default this link is not enabled - see Health Dashboard json configuration options and Engineering Dashboard json configuration options for more information about enabling this link).

The "Can't access" link offers the users the chance to contact the administrator to request access:

When this option is used, two sub-options are provided:

  • Password lost
  • Request access

For each sub-option, a draft email will be created in the user's default email client requesting a new password or access. The contents of these draft emails are generic, however you can tailor them to your own installation as follows. The contents of the emails are defined in the following file which you should open in a text editor:

WAR 1.x
Engineering Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\engineering\resources\urls.json
Health Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\portal\resources\urls.json
WAR ≥ 2.x
Engineering Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\static\engineering\resources\urls.json
Health Dashboard: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\static\engineering\resources\urls.json

ZIP ≥ 2.x - The file is located in a compiled JAR file located at the root of the unpacked ZIP. This JAR file will need to be unpacked to find the .json file and then repacked:

The following script will be displayed:

        "id": "login-reset-password",
        "url": "",
        "params": {
            "subject": "CAST Health Dashboard: Password lost",
            "body": "Hi, I forgot my password. \nCan you send me the password linked to the UserName '$login-userlost'. \nRegards."
        "id": "login-request-access",
        "url": "",
        "params": {
            "subject": "CAST Health Dashboard: Request access",
            "body": "Hi, I would like to connect to the Dashboard. \nCan I have a username and password, please? \nRegards."

The script is fairly straightforward and you can adapt it to your own environment:

idPlease avoid altering this value.
urlThis value governs the destination email address to which the email will be sent. Change this to match your local environment, but please respect the syntax.
params: subjectThis value governs the text that will appear in the subject line of the draft email.
params: body

This value governs the text displayed in the body of the email:

  • Carriage returns (if you require them) must be entered using the "\n" character combination.
  • The $login-userlost value will automatically enter the username as provided by the user attempting to access the dashboard.
  • Following any changes you make, save the urls.json file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.
Please be very careful how you modify this file. Any change to the structure or the accidental removal of part of the file could render your dashboard inoperative.