Summary: An explanation of the Trends section of the Health Dashboard, the tiles available and the drill down options.


The Trends section is available in both the Multi-application and Single Application landing pages. It contains a variety of tiles "out of the box" that contain "trend" information for specific Quality or Sizing measurement over a history of snapshots, in other words, you can quickly see whether a specific measurement is trending down (getting worse) or up (improving):


Single application

The following tiles are provided out of the box with the Health Dashboard:

Health Measure trend tiles

Health Measure tiles include:

  • TQI (Total Quality Index)
  • Robustness
  • Efficiency
  • Security

The tiles show the grade trend over successive snapshots and can give you an instant indication about whether your application / applications are improving or worsening for the particular measure.

If the measure schema contains more than 1500 snapshots, then trends section is not displayed. In such cases manually change the snapshotTreshold value to some higher value and restart tomcat. Refer: Health Dashboard json configuration options#Optiondescriptions

Drill down behaviour


Clicking any of the Health Measure trend tiles will drill down to show the trend of the grade of the selected Health Measure in a line graph for each Application in the dashboard. Note that the Average "app" listed in the Displayed Apps panel displays the average grade of all other applications in the dashboard.

  • Mouse rollover will display detailed information about the grade in that specific snapshot:

Click to enlarge

Single application

Clicking any of the Health Measure trend tiles will drill down to show more detailed information about the specific Health Measure and the trend over successive snapshots. This section is explained in detail in Health Dashboard - Available information - Overview section:

Critical Violations trend tile

This tile shows the trend for the number of critical violations over successive snapshots allowing you to see instantly whether you need to intervene.

Drill down behaviour


Clicking the Critical Violations trend tile will drill down to show the trend of critical violations in a line graph for each Application in the dashboard. Note that the Sum "app" listed in the Displayed Apps panel displays the sum of all other applications in the dashboard.

  • Mouse rollover will display detailed information about the critical violations in that specific snapshot:

Click to enlarge

Single application

Clicking the tile will take you to the drill down page for the TQI Health Measure, with the Critical Violations drop down filter selected.

Technical Debt trend tile

This tile shows the trend for the Technical Debt value over successive snapshots:

  • A minus value indicates that overall, the Technical Debt value has decreased since the date indicated in the tile (i.e. the date the first snapshot was taken) - this is a positive trend.
  • Conversely, a plus value indicates that the Technical Debt value has increased since the date indicated in the tile (i.e. the date the first snapshot was taken) - this is a negative trend and requires further investigation.

Drill down behaviour


Clicking the Technical Debt trend tile will drill down to show the trend of Technical Debt in a line graph for each Application in the dashboard. Note that the Sum "app" listed in the Displayed Apps panel displays the sum of all other applications in the dashboard.

  • Mouse rollover will display detailed information about the Technical Debt values in that specific snapshot:

Click to enlarge

Single application

Clicking the technical debt trends tile will drill down to the Quick facts section.

Technical Debt (OMG) trend tile

Data provided in this tile is generated only when the OMG Technical Debt extension is installed prior to the generation of a new snapshot and shows the trend for the ATDM (Automated Technical Debt Measure) in man/days for the current application or group of applications over successive snapshots. ATDM is an OMG standard that has been submitted by the CISQ Consortium. This extension implements the OMG Automated Technical Debt Measure to estimate future corrective maintenance costs, i.e. the technical debt of the application in number of minutes, as described in the OMG ATDM specification 1.0, see: An increasing trend warrants further investigation.

Drill down behaviour


Clicking the Technical Debt (OMG) trend tile will drill down to show the trend of Technical Debt (OMG) in a line graph for each Application in the dashboard. Note that the Sum "app" listed in the Displayed Apps panel displays the sum of all other applications in the dashboard.

  • Mouse rollover will display detailed information about the Technical Debt (OMG) values in that specific snapshot:

Click to enlarge

Single application

Clicking the tile will drill down to show more detailed information about the trend for Technical Debt (OMG):

Application Fast Facts tile

This tile is only visible in the multi-application landing page. It provides a broad list of facts about the Applications in your Dashboard:

  • Number of applications that have not been analyzed in the selected time period
  • Number of applications that were added (i.e. new) in the selected time period
  • Number of applications with 1% more critical violations in the selected time period - the lower the value the better.
  • Number of applications with 5% more lines of code in the selected time period
  • Number of applications with a 2% efficiency decrease in the selected time period - the lower the value the better.

Drill down behaviour

Clicking the tile will drill down to show more detailed information about the number of applications that have not been analyzed and that were new:

Click to enlarge