By default, Exclusions tile displays:

  • Active Exclusions: Shows the number of violations that have been added to the Exclusion list and a subsequent snapshot has been generated (therefore the violations are not part of the results of the current snapshot) - i.e. they are actively excluded.
  • Scheduled Exclusions: Shows the number violations that have been added to the Exclusion list and no snapshot has yet been generated (therefore the violations still form part of the results of the current snapshot). When a snapshot is generated, exclusions in this list will move to the Active Exclusions list.

Clicking the tile will take you to the relevant Exclusion page, see Engineering Dashboard - Exclusions for more information.


  • type: tile type has to be ExclusionSummary
  • parameters: none
  • color : tile color
  • other parameters for sizing and positioning of the tile - see Tile Sizing and Positioning


	"type": "ExclusionSummary",
	"parameters": {},
	"color": "grey-light",
	"col": 5,
	"row": 8,
	"sizex": 2,
	"sizey": 1,
	"min-sizex": 1,
	"min-sizey": 1,
	"max-sizex": 2,
	"max-sizey": 1,
	"id": "c9344"