Summary: This page explains how to change the text that is placed in a new email when using the "Share and Promote" feature in the Education tab.


When using the "Share and Promote" feature in the Education tab, a new email with pre-filled text will be created in the default email client on the local machine (as shown below):

Change this text

To change the text that is displayed in the new email, first locate and open the following file in a text editor:

WAR 1.x

WAR ≥ 2.x

ZIP ≥ 2.x - The file is located in a compiled JAR file located at the root of the unpacked ZIP. This JAR file will need to be unpacked to find the .json file and then repacked:

Locate the following sections in the file:

    "id": "share-rule-details",
    "url": "mailto:",
    "params": {
      "subject": "CAST Education: $ruleName",
      "body": "Hi,\n\nIn order to communicate around good practices based on CAST rule Education feature, I am pleased to share with you Documentation and sample of violations regarding the $ruleName Rule on your Application. \n\nWe would like to inform you that all new violations will be automatically added to the action plan for the next scan done with CAST.\n\nDo not hesitate to come back to me if you have any question.\n\n Documentation Section \n You can directly access it to: $ruleDocumentationUrl \n\n List of Violations \n You can directly access it to: $violationsUrl \n\n  Regards,\n"

Now edit the "message" you want to change and add in your own message. Following any changes you make, save the urls.json file and then restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.

Do not modify any text that uses a special variable, for example $ruleName.