Summary: this page discusses how to use AIP Console to perform an application and schema upgrade. You must log in to AIP Console with a user that has the ADMIN role in order to run an upgrade.


In what releases is this supported?

AIP Console

≥ 1.24

AIP Core

When upgrading to ≥ 8.38. To upgrade to older AIP Core releases, please use an alternative method.

What actions does CAST Console perform during an upgrade?

The following actions are performed when you run an upgrade using CAST Console:

Automatic backup: use of temporary disk space

When an automatic backup is run as part of the upgrade process, CAST Console will temporarily store data on disk before transferring the successful backup data to the default storage location described in Administration Center - Applications - Application Details. This temporary storage is located on the Node responsible for the application that is being backed up. This location is governed by the CAST_CURRENT_USER_TEMP_PATH variable defined by AIP Core on the Node in question in the %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\8.x\CastGlobalSettings.ini file, therefore you should ensure that the Node has appropriate free disk space before starting the upgrade. The automatic backup can be disabled, see below.


Disabling the automatic backup

It is possible to disable the backup process as follows:

  • For ≥ 2.5 releases, see Disabling automatic backup during Application and schema upgrade.
  • For 1.x releases (≥ 1.28.5) it is possible to disable the automatic backup of the Application schemas and the Delivery folder by setting the backup.aipcore.upgrade.enabled option to false in the file located on each Node.

What about extensions?

When an upgrade is actioned with AIP Console, the following behaviour is applied to extensions:

  • extensions shipped with the new release of AIP Core and not already installed will be automatically installed
  • any previously installed extensions will not be automatically upgraded, even if a more recent version of an extension is shipped with the new release of AIP Core, or is available on CAST Extend. You should upgrade any extensions post upgrade if required.

What happens if the upgrade fails?

If the upgrade fails for any reason, an automatic roll back of the Application (schemas and delivery folder) will be performed using the backup taken automatically at the start of the upgrade process.

What about AIP Core and extension Assessment Models

The setting chosen in Administration Center - Settings - Assessment Model Strategy under Upgrade Strategy will be used.

Step 1 - Determine applications to upgrade

Browse to your AIP Console URL http://<server>:8081/ui/index.html, login to AIP Console with a user that has the ADMIN role and switch to the Admin Center:

Now move to the Applications panel:

Any application that is eligible for upgrade will be flagged as follows:

≥ 2.x

Note that applications can only be upgraded when at least one AIP Node registered in AIP Console is using a NEWER release of AIP Core than the release of AIP Core used for the most recent snapshot.


Note that applications can only be upgraded when the AIP Node on which the Application is located is installed with a release of AIP Core that is newer than the release of AIP Core used for the most recent snapshot.

Step 2 - Determine whether the upgrade path is supported

You should now check whether the upgrade path for the eligible applications is supported. You can check this path is supported using the matrix available here: AIP Core - Application - schema upgrade on each AIP Node, and consult the release notes for the target AIP Core release:

Step 3 - Determine the Assessment Model Strategy

Before starting the upgrade, you must choose an option with regard to the handling of the Assessment Model during the upgrade - note by default the Preserve Assessment Model but enable new rules option is selected. See Administration Center - Settings - Assessment Model Strategy for an explanation of the available options.

Browse to the Administration Center - Global Configurations and expand the Administration Center - Settings - Assessment Model Strategy panel to make your choice:

Step 4 - Perform the upgrade

To perform the Application and schema upgrade, use the following option in the Admin Center:

≥ 2.x


In AIP Console ≥ 1.25 you can also perform multi-application upgrades:

In ≥ 2.x, if you have multiple AIP Node instances each running a different release of AIP Core, and you choose to perform a multi-application upgrade (instead of a single Application upgrade) using the check boxes, then the available upgrade paths for all the Applications will be determined by the Application(s) running the most recent release of AIP Core. In the example below, there are two Applications (one running 8.3.36 and one running 8.3.37) and two AIP Node instances (one running 8.3.37 and 8.3.38). If you select both Applications for upgrade, then the target AIP Core release will be limited to 8.3.38. In this situation, if you want to choose the specific target release you require, then you should perform a single application upgrade instead.

When you click the option to upgrade, a warning is displayed (see image below) before the upgrade action is started. In ≥ 2.x, you can also choose the target AIP Core release - this drop down box will list all the AIP Core releases available on AIP Nodes managed by AIP Console that are NEWER than the AIP Core release used for the current Application.

The upgrade will then proceed:

Note that if you have the ADMIN role and the Application is eligible for upgrade, if you attempt to start an action on the Application (for example, run an analysis, generate a new snapshot, upload to CAST Imaging), the action will be blocked, but you will be offered the opportunity to perform an upgrade instead:

This behaviour had been altered starting 2.10: when using Standalone deployment mode it is possible to run the Upload to CAST Imaging option even if the Application is eligible for upgrade.

Step 5 - Check new AIP Core release is registered in AIP Console

In Application - Overview check that your Applications are showing the correct release of AIP Core - i.e. which release of AIP Core the schemas are set at - this release number should show the new AIP Core release number you have upgraded to:

Step 6 - Run analysis and generate a new post upgrade snapshot

Although not mandatory, CAST highly recommends that a new analysis is run and a new snapshot is generated because it provides a way to compare the analysis results of the same source code in two distinct releases of AIP Core. If you don't want to generate a snapshot at this time, you can skip this step.

Pre-snapshot actions for specific technologies

Customers using the Siebel extension

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If you have used the CAST Siebel extension and have generated a snapshot in the previous release of AIP Core, then you must follow the instructions explained in the Siebel extension documentation about re-running the Vanilla analysis BEFORE you generate a new snapshot with the new release of AIP Core. Please see Note about running a CAST AIP upgrade or an Extension upgrade for more information.

Customers upgrading with legacy BusinessObjects Analyzer results

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CAST has provided support for analyzing SAP BusinessObjects source code via its BO Analyzer (provided out-of-the-box in AIP Core

   8.2.x) for some time now. This "legacy" analyzer requires the following:

  • SAP BusinessObjects (the BO Designer module) must be installed on the workstation on which the CAST Management Studio is being run from.
  • you must manually define a connection to the SAP BusinessObjects instance on which your Universe files are used - this instance must be available during the analysis process in the CAST Management Studio - this is known as an "online" analysis.

These requirements can sometimes present significant difficulties for the process of on-boarding a SAP BusinessObjects application into CAST AIP. As a direct result of this and wanting to simplify the approach, CAST has developed the SAP BusinessObjects Analyzer as a standalone extension. The extension (introduced in CAST AIP 8.2.5) provides a means to analyze SAP BusinessObjects source code "offline", i.e. no connection to the SAP BusinessObjects instance is required. In addition there is no longer any requirement to have BusinessObjects (the BO Designer module) installed on the workstation on which the CAST Management Studio is being run from.

From CAST AIP  8.3.x, the legacy BO Analyzer (provided out-of-the-box in CAST AIP) is no longer available, therefore:

  • to analyze new SAP BusinessObjects applications, you must use the SAP BusinessObjects Analyzer (together with the CAST SAP BusinessObjects Extractor - not delivered with CAST AIP) which is delivered and installed automatically with CAST AIP 8.3.x with new CAST AIP triplets and as part of an upgrade.
  • for upgrades to CAST AIP  8.3.x, existing SAP BusinessObjects analyses will no longer function and will block the post-upgrade consistency snapshot. As such, CAST recommends that you transition to the SAP BusinessObjects Analyzer AFTER an upgrade, but BEFORE you generate a post-upgrade consistency snapshot (see Switching from legacy to new delivery/analysis method in SAP BusinessObjects Analyzer).

Customers upgrading from CAST AIP 8.1.0 (baseline) - snapshot validation

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If you are upgrading from CAST AIP 8.1.0 (baseline) ONLY, you should check your snapshots for errors that may have occurred during the upgrade of the Measurement Service schema with CAST Server Manager. To do so:

  • connect and login to the Health Dashboard from the previous release of CAST AIP (this should still be available).
  • navigate through all the Applications that have been upgraded to the new release of CAST AIP and check the list of snapshots in the snapshot selector for each Application:

  • any snapshot Version name that contains the string "MIGR_ERROR_ALG_xxx_x_x" (for example "MIGRERROR_ALG_1106776204_3_4") was subject to an error that occurred during the upgrade of the Measurement Service schema with CAST Server Manager. It has not been possible to automatically repair this error and therefore the snapshot may produce erroneous data in the Health Dashboard or in the CAST Report Generator.


If any existing snapshots are marked as containing an error, you need to perform a specific set of actions to remove and re-consolidate the snapshot (containing the error) in the Measurement Service schema. To do so: 

  • Launch the AadConsolidation-GUI.exe located in <CAST_AIP_installation_folder>\AAD\GUI:

  • In the GUI, tick the Reset option as shown above
  • Fill in the fields in the AAD Connection tab (as highlighted above) to connect to the Measurement Service schema in which the snapshots with errors have been consolidated. See HD - GUI common fields for more information.
  • Move to the Reset tab and fill in the three fields as follows, according to the Version name given to the snapshot that contains an error, for example: "MIGRERROR_ALG_1106776204_3_4"

  • the first figure, (here 1106776204) represents the site_id
  • the second one, (here 3), the application_id
  • the third one (here 4) the snapshot_id
  • Finally click the Run Application button to start the removal process:

  • Repeat this process for ALL snapshots in your upgraded Application that have an error in the Version name.
  • Finally, open the CAST Management Studio from the new release of CAST AIP, open the Application editor and move to the Execute tab
  • Click the Upload Snapshots to Measurement Service option to re-consolidate all snapshots for the current Application. Repeat for each Application as necessary.

Generate a new snapshot

To generate a new snapshot, move to the AIP Console screen if you are not already there:

Locate the Application and click it:

The Application - Overview page will be displayed. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the config icon:

Now choose the following options (untick those are not required) and click Run Analysis:

Alternatively you can click the Snapshots icon in the left panel to access the Application - Snapshots page and click the run button in the bottom right corner to choose your options:

You can check the results using the Engineering Dashboard - this is a quick and easy way to view the results. If you are using "embedded" dashboards, then you can click the Dashboard icons and instantly view the results - otherwise, you will need to log in to your standalone dashboards:

Step 7 - Run analysis and Upload to CAST Imaging

Just as with an analysis/snapshot, you can optionally run a new analysis and upload to CAST Imaging, or simply upload to CAST Imaging (without running a new analysis). To do so move to the AIP Console screen if you are not already there:

Locate the Application and click it:

The Application - Overview page will be displayed. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the config icon:

Now choose the following options (untick those are not required) and click Run Analysis:

Post upgrade

What happens to Assessment Models?

During the upgrade process, the following actions will have been performed:

  • Regardless of the Assessment Model Strategy you chose, the existing Assessment Model assigned to the Dashboard schema at the point of upgrade will have been upgraded and two copies of this Assessment Model will have been created:
    • one with the new CAST AIP Quality Rules merged in and enabled (Preserve Assessment Model customizations, activate new rules)
    • one with the new CAST AIP Quality Rules merged in and either disabled (Preserve Assessment Model customizations, leave new rules disabled) or enabled and set to zero weight (Preserve Assessment Model and get new rules for information)
    • Note that when there are no new rules available, a duplicate copy of the existing Assessment Model is NOT made.
  • If the Use default Assessment Model from CAST AIP 8.3.x option was chosen, a new default Assessment Model will have been created and any Assessment Model fragments from CAST AIP Extensions that were present in the Assessment Model assigned to the Dashboard schema at upgrade time will have been merged into this new Assessment Model
  • One of the above mentioned Assessment Models will have been assigned to the upgraded Dashboard schema, dependent on the Assessment Model Strategy option you chose

Assessment Model labels in CAST Management Studio

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Assessment Models in the Assessment Models view will be labelled as follows after the upgrade:

Option chosen during upgradeAssessment Model label in CAST Management Studio

Preserve Assessment Model customizations,
activate new rules from AIP 8.3.x

"[current label] (upgraded, [version] new rules enabled)"

Preserve Assessment Model customizations,
leave new rules disabled
"[current label] (upgraded, [version] new rules disabled)"

Use default Assessment Model from
CAST AIP 8.3.x

"Default Assessment Model ([version] + Extensions)"

Unassociated Assessment Models will retain their existing label:

Validation message

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If there are now more than three Assessment Models in the Assessment Models view in the CAST Management Studio following the upgrade process, a message will be logged in the Validation view:

The full message states as shown below. CAST highly recommends that you remove any Assessment Models that you no longer require so as to improve performance. You can export the Assessment Models to file (using the File > Export File option in the CAST Management Studio) prior to removing them.

Warning : There are more than 3 Assessment Models declared in the current management base, 
this can degrade the performances of CAST Management Studio. You should consider removing those which are no longer needed.

Custom tablespace

If you have configured any of the AIP schemas to use custom tablespace (i.e. tablespace other than pg_default which is automatically used when schemas are installed with AIP Console), following the schema upgrade you may find that some tables will now be using the default tablespace (pg_default) and some will still using the custom tablespace. If you wish to ensure that all your tables are using the same custom tablespace, you can run the following query to generate the required execution statements that will need to be run to do this. Ensure you update the following first:

  • <schema_name> = replace with the name of the schema
  • <tablespace_name> = replace with the name of the custom tablespace you want to use
      1 as id, 
      'Set statement_timeout=0 ; ' as query 
      ' ALTER TABLE ' || schemaname || '.' || tablename || ' SET TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>;' 
      schemaname ilike '<schema_name>' 
      and tablespace is null 
      ' ALTER INDEX ' || schemaname || '.' || indexname || ' SET TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>;' 
      schemaname = '<schema_name>' 
      and tablespace is null
  ) a