Pattern Preview Window

The Pattern Preview Window is displayed when you click the Preview button in the Main Window:

This dialog box enables you to test your package - in other words, how objects and links are recognized along with their matching code. It uses the following information:

  • Regular expressions defined in the LanguagePattern file
  • Parentship description defined in the MetaModel file (using <tree parent="xxxObject" category="amtParentship"/> tags)
  • Set of links, either outgoing from an object (using <tree parent="xxxLink" category="CallerLinkable"/> tags)

The dialog box is a modeless window enabling you to modify your package files (outside the UA Assistant), then open the Main Window, re-validate your package and then resume testing - all without closing the Pattern Preview dialog box.

To test a file:

  • Click the browse button ("...") in the Test file section

  • A standard Windows Open dialog box will be displayed

  • Locate and select the MetaModel or LanguagePattern file you want to test (your file's code will be displayed in the right-hand Report section as shown above)

  • Click the Test button to launch the objects and links recognition process

  • On completion of the test process, the left-hand Report section will be populated with information.

  • Select an item in this section to highlight the corresponding code that has been detected

    • For links, code matching the regular expression defined in the linkType tag is displayed. The highlighted token is a "suspension", that is a potential callee. In a real analysis using a Universal Analyzer job, a link is created when the suspension matches an existing object of the desired type: source code the callee must have been analyzed in the same Analysis Unit, and must be of an object Type defined with CalleeLinkable for this type of link.

    • For objects, displayed code is a combination of the <header> and <body> or <endwithoutbody> tags.

Use the Close button to return to the Main Window.

See Also

Main Window

CAST Website