View source code

If you would like to see the source code that forms an object you can do so as follows:

Via the AFP Calibration node (Transactional Functions only)
  • Double click a Transactional Function in right hand panel of the AFP Calibration > Transactional Function node
  • Right click a Transactional Function in right hand panel of the AFP Calibration > Transactional Function node and select View source code:

In both scenarios, a window will be displayed containing the source code that forms the Transaction:

Find button

Clicking the Find button allows you to search for a specific string within the source code of an object. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F to search the source code. The following dialog box will be displayed:

Enter the string you want to search for and then choose:

  • The Previous and Next buttons search for, respectively, the previous and next position of the search string in the source code.
  • The Match case check-box controls the case sensitivity of the search (unchecked by default).

When the Find dialog is opened, the search will start from the beginning of the source code. However, if you have positioned the cursor somewhere in the editor before pressing the Find button, the search will begin at the current position of the cursor.

The search will then continue after the position of the last occurrence found, or will restart from the current cursor position in the source code if the user has updated it by clicking somewhere in the source code editor, which is possible at any time because the Find dialog is not modal.

Each time a new occurrence of the search string is found, this occurrence will be highlighted in the source code editor. The title of the Find dialog will also be updated accordingly to show the line and column numbers of the string in the source code. After the last occurrence of the string is found, pressing the Previous or the Next button will force the Find dialog title be updated with either "String not found (end of text reached)" or "String not found (beginning of text reached)" to inform the user that he/she has reached the last occurrence of the search string, depending on the search direction.

Line/Column indicator

The source code viewer displays (in the bottom right hand corner) the location of the cursor in the source code (line and column numbers).

Via the Full Call Graph and Call Graph windows (Transactions and Datafunctions)

In a Full Call Graph or Call Graph window (see View call graph / View full call graph), right click an object and select View source code:

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