CAST Transaction Configuration Center - Connection

The CAST Transaction Configuration Center requires that a connection is made to one CAST "Management" database (MNGT) on the host server - in the same way as the CAST Management Studio.

Connections can be made:

  • When you first launch the CAST Transaction Configuration Center
  • or during a session if you need to switch Management database (multiple connections to different Management databases is not supported)
Establishing connections

Connections are established using the CAST Management Studio Database Connection Manager, which will offer you the option to connect with one of your existing CAST Management Studio connection profiles (the connection profiles displayed in this dialog box are stored locally on your machine):

Once you have chosen the required connection profile, click the Connect button to establish a connection with your database server. If for any reason a connection cannot be established, an error message will be displayed - this should provide enough information to help you debug the problem:

If the connection is successful, the left-hand panel should display your set of Applications (i.e. the various Systems and Applications) as defined in the CAST Management Studio:

In addition, the connection profile name is always displayed in the main window title:


Quick Connection

If you do not see the profile you require in the CAST Management Studio Database Connection Manager, you can use the Quick Connection button to configure a connection. Clicking this will display the Connection dialog box:

A tab for each supported connection type is available - see below for more information about each tab and how to configure a connection.

CSS (CAST Storage Service)

To connect to a Management database hosted on a CAST Storage Service, fill in the following information.

Server addressEnter the host name of the server on which the CAST Storage Service is installed. You can also enter an IP address if required.

If this field is left blank, then the CAST Transaction Configuration Center will use the value localhost by default (which assumes the host server is installed on the same physical machine).

PortEnter the port number on which the CAST Storage Service is listening for incoming connections. If this is omitted, the port number 2278 will be used, which may not be correct.

Enter the database name used by your CAST Storage Service: when left blank, the CAST Transaction Configuration Center will use postgres by default. If you are using AIP Core ≥ 8.3.40 and connecting to a custom database (i.e. a database other than the default "postgres"), then enter the custom database name in this field.

User nameEnter the user name that you will use to connect to the CAST Management database on your host server. The pre-defined CAST Storage Service user operator must be used here (note that the User name is case sensitive). See Access Rights for more information about required user rights.
PasswordEnter the password that corresponds to your operator user.
Schema (management base)Enter the name of the target Management database (<prefix>_mngt). This is defined during the CAST installation process.


To connect to a Management database hosted on an Oracle server, fill in the following information.

Server addressEnter the host name of the server on which the Oracle server is installed. You can also enter an IP address if required.

If this field is left blank, then the CAST Transaction Configuration Center will use the value localhost by default (which assumes the host server is installed on the same physical machine).

PortEnter the port number on which the Oracle server is listening for incoming connections.

During the installation of the Oracle server, the port number is set by default to 1521 and unless you have explicitly changed this during the installation process, then there is no need to enter a number in this field: when left blank, the CAST Transaction Configuration Center will use port number 1521 by default.

Service/SIDChoose the appropriate database server access mode type for your Oracle server (SID or Service). Then enter either the Service name or the SID value in the field below.

The CAST Transaction Configuration Center use the value ORCL by default for the Service name - as such, if your Oracle server Service name is ORCL, you can leave this field blank (ensuring that Service is selected).

Note that there is no default value for the SID.

User nameEnter the user name that you will use to connect to the CAST Management database on your host server. See Access Rights for more information about required user rights (note that the User name is case sensitive).
PasswordEnter the password that corresponds to your User name
Schema (management base)Enter the name of the target Management database (<prefix>_mngt). This is defined during the CAST installation process.

SQL Server

To connect to a Management database hosted on an a Microsoft SQL Server, fill in the following information.

Server addressEnter the host name of the server on which the Microsoft SQL Server is installed. You can also enter an IP address if required.

If this field is left blank, then the CAST Transaction Configuration Center will use the value localhost by default (which assumes the host server is installed on the same physical machine).

Port/InstanceChoose the appropriate database server access mode type for your Microsoft SQL Server (Port or Instance). Then enter either the Port number or the Instance name in the field below.

During the installation of the Microsoft SQL Server, the port number is set by default to 1433 and unless you have explicitly changed this during the installation process, then there is no need to enter a number in this field: when left blank, the CAST Transaction Configuration Center will use port number 1433 by default (when Port is selected)

Note that there is no default value for the Instance.

User nameEnter the user name that you will use to connect to the CAST Management database on your host server. See Access Rights for more information about required user rights (note that the User name is case sensitive).
PasswordEnter the password that corresponds to your User name
Schema (management base)Enter the name of the target Management database (<prefix>_mngt). This is defined during the CAST installation process.
See Also

Access Rights

CAST Website