GloballySharedSettings.ini File

This page describes how to add various parameters to the GloballySharedSettings.ini file (located in the following locations after installing CAST Products):

  • Windows XP > %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\CAST\CAST\<Version_Number>
  • Windows Vista and 7 > %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\CAST\CAST\<Version_Number>

These parameters add supplementary features to all CAST applications.

Microsoft SQL Server

Set Quoted Identifier

Add the following parameters to force the Set Quoted Identifier option to ON during the connection process:

Avoiding problems with the default database

In some circumstances, CAST Products will not allow certain databases (such as tempdb) to be the default database. To avoid this problem add the following to the GloballySharedSettings.ini file:

[Global]DBNameForTransaction=Default Value

The use will then be carried out on the database containing the Knowledge Base. Removing the line will invoke the default behaviour, i.e.: no use.

Oracle Server

Generating Trace Message

Use this option to generate trace messages that can be helpful in some cases when facing issues with Oracle Connectivity in our products.

Disabling the TNS_ADMIN Search Variable

Use this option to disable the TNS_ADMIN variable search during the connection process.

Setting the Optimizer Mode to Rule for Oracle servers

Add the following script to the GloballySharedSettings.ini file to force your Oracle server to generate a trace file that contains information on query execution, IO statistics etc. It is the equivalent of sending the ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE = TRUE query to the server:

Displaying the OracleHome Selector dialog box

If your Oracle server has more than one OracleHome and you have not defined an OracleHome, you can force the CAST application you are accessing to display the OracleHome Selector dialog box enabling you to establish a connection to the correct OracleHome.

Add the following to your GloballySharedSettings.ini file:


 - or -


In normal circumstances, the OracleHome Selector dialog box will automatically be displayed if you have more than one OracleHome on your Oracle server.


  • When using any of the CAST Products' modules via the Command Line (in batch mode), the Oracle Home Selector dialog box will be displayed if you have more than one Oracle Home on your client machine and you have not defined a default Oracle Home.

    This can be problematic as the Command Line process will be stopped in order that an Oracle Home is selected.

    To stop the Oracle Home Selector dialog box from being displayed during a Command Line process, it is necessary to specify the ORACLEHOME value in the Command Line as follows:

    Either by defining the Oracle folder's path:


    or by using the default value:



CAST Diagnostics Report

If you do not want the CAST Diagnostic Report (Help > About) to be displayed in an HTML format, please add this script to your GloballySharedSettings.ini file:

[Report]Report in Dialog Format = 1
Detecting Network Logins

Add this option to display an additional dialog box during connection, which will prompt the user to enter their network login (domain\login).


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