Feature Improvements

Technology updates


ABAP code previously causing syntax errors during an analysis is now supported. For a full list, see Technology coverage changes in CAST AIP 8.3.x.

User Input Security

Sanitization is no longer defined by simple method names. Now, this sanitization:

  • is defined by classic blackbox files. These blackbox files are provided by default
  • is still specialized by technology and quality rule
  • is specialized for each method parameter

A list of libraries automatically taken in to account for Sanitzation is available in User Input Security - predefined methods.

CAST Enlighten

Add Linked Objects window

When using the Add Linked Objects window, it is now possible to filter specifically on links without their sub link types. For example, previously it was not possible to filter ONLY Use links - instead you were forced to select a sub link type (e.g. Use Delete, which included Use and Use Delete links). Now a new filter check box called "<LINK> Only" has been added for all link types with sub links:

Click to enlarge:



The CAST-AIPStorageMigrationTool.exe tool (used for transferring CAST AIP schemas/databases from Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server instances) is no longer maintained and has been removed from CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.15 for the following reasons:

  • the tool does not support transfers to CSS3/PostgreSQL 9.6
  • CSS3/PosgreSQL must be used with CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.x (CSS/PostgreSQL 9.2 is deprecated for use with 8.3.x)


The CASTDBTransfert.exe tool (used for transferring the contents of CAST AIP schemas) is no longer maintained and has been removed from CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.15.

CSSAdmin 32bit tools

The CSSAdmin 32bit tools (such as psql.exe) have been removed from the setup and will no longer be installed during a "from scratch" installation. These tools were previously available in:

When running the CAST AIP setup and a previous release of CAST AIP is already present on the target workstation (i.e. a "Service Pack installation") the CAST AIP setup will NOT remove any existing files.

Resolved Issues

The following table lists all bugs fixed in CAST AIP 8.3.15 

Ticket IDSituationSymptomsInternal ID
15547Looking at the results of a C++ analysis.False positive for QR- Avoid redeclaring and overriding Methods with different default parameter values (ID: 7930).AIPCORE-673
16004When packaging maven based java source code.When packaging maven based java source with a variable packaging type defined in the pom project file, project got ignored at discovery with below info:
2019-02-06 06:35:26.332 INFO cast.dmt.discover.jee.maven.specificPackaging
The packaging for maven artifact [org.springframework][example][${packaging.type}][0.1.0] is ${packaging.type} is specific.
Project is ignored.
17174While using DMT to package Maven based source code.DMT is failing in Discovery step for Maven repository - "ERROR cast.commandLine.exceptionDuringProcess An error has occurred during command processing java.lang.NullPointerException:"AIPCORE-239
17938When attempting to run a PowerBuilder analysis.The analysis gets stuck while analyzing PowerBuilder AU with following log message:
Warning MODULMSG ; Job execution Failed to parse xml file: (invalid document structure - S:\Sources\app\Analyzed\example\bi\src\bi_old_app\bi_ol
and also, there will be VC++ window pop up which blocks the analysis.

After closing the window analysis will continue, and it completes.
18059While packaging Java source codeDuring packaging, in the scan step: we get the error "java.lang.OutOfMemory error."AIPCORE-31
18214While attempting to package a .ksh shell script file that is over 1GB in size with the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.The packaging action fails during the "Scan" step with the error:
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Java heap space".
18294When attempting to run an Oracle extraction for a PeopleSoft analysis.When an Oracle extraction is run, the following error is displayed - "Exception occurred when connecting to database - oracle error "ora-12650"AIPCORE-289
18494Looking at the results of a Shell analysis in CAST Enlighten.Link missing from Shell program to DB.AIPCORE-574
18544When looking at the results of an ABAP analysis.9 ABAP files are not analyzed with warning:
Internal exception occurred during processing listener CABAPFullParsingAction::processABAPFile on instance abapFile #43500: access violation.

When attempting to install "Combined Installation" of AIP schemas when an extension has been downloaded already. This error occurs mainly with Universal Analyzer based extensions (RPG, PHP, Flex).

Error while creating schema: SQL Error: ERROR: relation "dss_metric_types" does not exist. AIPCORE-226
18694During CAST AIP installation on user machine.During AIP installation, if VC++ 2010 dependency is missing, then the computer will attempt to restart because it is missing no-restart flag.AIPCORE-637