Report with a large number of objects

Selecting a large number of objects in the Object Selection screen in the Report on Specific Objects wizard could cause the authorized memory limit for program execution memory to be exceeded. In this case, an "Out of memory" message will be displayed, causing the application to become unstable.
If you want to create a report on an entire application containing a large number of objects, please use the Standard Documentation template, which can be accessed in the Template Selection screen in the Report with Predefined wizard.

Report in XML Format

When generating an HSQ report with the XML extention, against an Oracle Analysis Service, when the HSQ report contains a "HideNoResult:=1" statement, during report generation, an error dialog box appears with the following error message: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (Sev. 1, Msg 942). Proceeding with the generation leads to an incomplete XML report.