Code Viewer window

The Code Viewer window displays the code of an object (or link) stored in your Knowledge Base. During an analysis, the path to the analyzed code is recorded in the Knowledge Base. This path is the path from the machine used to analyze the code to the actual source code. If this path matches the path from the local machine on which Enlighten is being used to the source code, then the source code of an object can be displayed in the Code Viewer window. If the path does not match, the source code cannot be displayed.

You can work around this issue using the Code Location Manager tab to create path replacement rules enabling the application to successfully locate the required client side file.

To view the code of an object in your Knowledge Base, see here.


  • The Code Viewer has a right click shortcut menu described here in more detail).
  • When multiple objects are selected for use with the Code Viewer, each individual object will be displayed in its own tab within the Code Viewer window.
  • Because Light Imported objects are only registered as being present in the CAST Knowledge Base and their code has not been synchronized, the Code Viewer will return an error when used with Light Imported objects (see the on-line Help for CAST Analysis Manager for more information about Light Imported objects).
See Also

Code Viewer in-depth

CAST Website