Browser tab

Tools > Options > Browser

This page provides an explanation of the various options that can be set to optimize and modify the display of items in the Object Browser window.

Sensitive Sort

Enables sensitive sort on object names and types.

Sort By:
  • Name

    Selecting this option without sensitive sort will list the main items in the Object Browser window in descending alphabetical order.

    With sensitive sort also selected, the main items are sorted into Server and Client objects and are then sorted alphabetically.

  • Type

    Selecting this option without sensitive sort will list the main items in the Object Browser window by type groups.

    Selecting sensitive sort does NOT affect the sort order.

Prefix Base Name by Server Name Selecting this option will cause the server name to prefix the database name as displayed below.

Update of the Object Browser window is immediate. By default this option is NOT selected.

Display Parameters

Select this option to include details of any object parameters in the Object Browser window:

When selected, objects that include parameters will be displayed with their name and parameters. For example:


When not selected, only the object's name will be displayed.

Update of the Object Browser window is immediate. By default this option is NOT selected.


  • Please note that selecting this option may cause the Object Browser window to take some time to refresh - particularly if you have a large Knowledge Base that contains a lot of information.

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