DMT - What is the CAST Delivery Manager Tool and CAST AIC Portal?

What is the CAST Delivery Manager Tool and CAST AIC Portal?

The CAST Delivery Manager Tool is aimed at the person or people responsible for providing source code for analysis, i.e. the Delivery Managers.

The CAST Delivery Manager Tool is a standalone application that entirely manages the discovery, selection, extraction and delivery of source code ready for analysis in the CAST Management Studio. It can be used in different scenarios and is designed to be flexible to accommodate most options.

The basic concept is that the Delivery Manager(s) - see below for more information - will use the CAST Delivery Manager Tool and package the source code exactly as required. At the AI Center or "in house" if you are managing your own analyses, Application Intelligence Administrators (AIAs) - those responsible for generating the data from the source code - will then retrieve the source code packaged by the Delivery Manager(s) and produce the data for consumption in the CAST Health Dashboard/CAST Engineering Dashboard by those that require it (consumers).

This method ensures that there is clear separation between source code delivery and the generation of data for consumption.

Delivery Managers

As mentioned above, the CAST Delivery Manager Tool is aimed at the person or people responsible for providing source code for analysis, i.e. the Delivery Managers. There may be more than one Delivery Manager, particularly if multiple technologies are involved.

Source code can mean:

  • raw source code files
  • compressed archives containing source code
  • access details of Source Code Management (SCM) systems
  • access details for RDBMS

With any of the above forms of source code, the Delivery Manager(s) can use the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to package and deliver it via ONE CAST AIC Portal and then into one "AI Center" for analysis.


The CAST AIC Portal is a web application that is deployed on a supported Application Server (for example Apache Tomcat - see Release Notes) in the local environment. It is designed to be accessed via a browser by the Delivery Manager(s) - when accessed, the CAST AIC Portal will provide the CAST Delivery Manager Tool as a "local" installation on the workstation of the Delivery Manager. As such, multiple Delivery Managers can run the CAST Delivery Manager Tool on their own local machines and package only the source code they need to. Source code packaged by Delivery Managers is stored in one central location managed by the CAST AIC Portal, which can then be retrieved by the AI Administrator using the CAST Management Studio (which is configured to retrieve source code from the central storage location defined in the CAST AIC Portal).

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