Changes in results post upgrade - 8.3.10

Summary: this page lists:

  • Impacts of changes made to AIP Core 8.3.10 on Quality Model results post upgrade
  • Other impacts of changes made in AIP Core 8.3.10

All changes in results related to extensions are now listed in the extension documentation and will not appear in this page.

Impacts of changes made in AIP Core 8.3.10 on Quality Model results post upgrade


SCRAIP-34273 - File naming convention - embedded Class - 562

In previous releases of AIP Core, false positive violations of the rule "File naming convention - embedded Class - 562" were returned when the base class is located in a different file name.  This bug has now been resolved, therefore, after an upgrade to AIP Core 8.3.10 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source, you may find that results for this rule have changed, improving accuracy.

Other impacts of changes made in AIP Core 8.3.10


SCRAIP-34478 - VB.NET Methods not included as default entry points in the CAST Transaction Configuration Center

In previous releases of AIP Core, VB.NET Methods were not automatically considered as entry points for transactions in the CAST Transaction Configuration Center. This bug has now been resolved and VB.Methods are now correctly considered as entry points, therefore, after an upgrade to AIP Core 8.3.10 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source, you may find that transaction values are impacted.


SAP-178 - Changes to the way SAP/ABAP objects are handled

The following changes have been introduced therefore, after an upgrade to AIP Core 8.3.10 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source, you may find that your results have changed:

  • useLinks between screen and programs have been removed (they negatively impacted transactions)
  • processing screens parents are now their program, and not their package
  • unresolved objects are now of type processingScreen and not selectionScreen (when a "call screen 100" statement exists and the screen does not exist).
  • name of unresolved object which was 0100 for example (beginning with 0) becomes 100 (it can be called with "call screen 100" or "call screen 0100". Then 100 and 0100 are the same).

SAP-126 & SAP-127 - Unresolved objects

Bugs have been discovered which has meant that unrecongnized syntax in the source code has been causing the creation of "unresolved objects" and erroneous links between objects. These bugs have now been resolved, therefore, after an upgrade to AIP Core 8.3.10 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source, you may find that results are impacted, improving accuracy.

SAP-128 - ABAP includes are defined using a colon (:)

A bug has been discovered which has meant that where ABAP includes are defined using a colon (:), the included objects are not resolved during the analysis, for example:

INCLUDE: 	/code/some_code_top1,

This bug has now been resolved and this type of include syntax is now supported, therefore, after an upgrade to AIP Core 8.3.10 and the generation of a post-upgrade consistency snapshot on unchanged source, you may find that results are impacted.

Mainframe Cobol

SCRAIP-34238 - COBOL File does not contain no section nor paragraph.

This bug is from the lexer when the section and paragraph definition doesn't respect the margin.