Tool editor

The Tool editor provides a means to configure a Tool to run before or after an analysis. It can be accessed from the Content Enrichment tab in the Application editor:

The editor is similar for each type of Tool you choose to configure in the Content Enrichment tab:

Common fields
Name Displays the name of the Tool - you are free to edit and choose the name yourself.
Description Enables you to enter a description that can help differentiate the purpose of the Tool.
Will be processed You can tick or untick this option:
  • TICKED (TRUE) > The Tool will be run before or after the analysis - by default all newly created Tools will be set to TRUE.
  • UNTICKED (FALSE) > The Tool will NOT be run.

When a Tool is set to FALSE, this is usually a temporary action. Note that you should delete the Tool if you want to permanently remove it from the Application.

Parameters tab

Insert variables You can insert a predefined or custom variable to replace parameters that you may need to hardcode into the query/path/argument and, which, for whatever reason, may change from time to time. Thus the query/path/argument will remain valid even if the parameter itself changes.

When you click the Insert Variable option, a dialog box will be displayed enabling you to select the required variable:


  • Note that you can add custom variables using the Variables tab
Run Tool Use this option to run the Tool - note that this is not a simulation - the tool will be run exactly as configured and results will be saved to the CAST Analysis Service.

Variables tab

The Variables tab provides a means to manage custom Variables:

  • for use in the current Tool
  • for use in all Tools

In other words, you can create your own custom Variables for your own specific needs and re-use them in the current Tool, or in all Tools:

Use this option to add a new custom Variable. When you do so, a new Variable will be displayed in the list and you can edit the parameters:

Name Enter the name for your custom Variable - this must be in the form $(xxx), where xxx is the name of the variable.
Value Enter the value you require for your Variable.
Description Enter a description to help differentiate the Variable - not required.
Use this option to remove an existing Variable.
Edit Global Variables

This option enables you to create a custom Variable that can be re-used in all Tools. The interface is identical to the interface described above. Global Variables can also be created in the Common Technology options editor.

SQL Tool specifics
Parameters tab Use this tab to define your chosen SQL query. You can:
  • manually input the query using the keyboard - make sure you use the correct syntax for your environment as outlined below
  • copy and paste queries from elsewhere
  • insert an external SQL script file using a variable - see below
Required syntax

The syntax used for your query must match the RDBMS on which the current Analysis Service is running. If not, the query may fail:

Microsoft SQL Server <DML>


Exec <Stored_Procedure>


Oracle <DML>



<Stored_Procedure> ;

End ;


Declare ErrorCode int :=0;


ErrorCode := <Function> ;

End ;


CAST Storage Service <DML>


Use an external SQL file via a variable

It is possible to insert an external script (for example a script located on your hard drive or on a network drive) into the SQL query you have entered. To do so, you use the following variable:

  • $(SqlFile,"<location_and_name_of_file>")

So, for example, you could include the tag as follows:

  • $(SqlFile,"c:\temp\myscript.sql")

When the Tool is run and the query is executed, the script defined in the variable will be called and executed. Note that it is not possible to include variables in the external script file. They will be ignored by the Tool and may even cause a syntax error.

External Program specifics
Parameters tab Use this tab to define your chosen External Program.
Executable External Program

Select the External Program here. Either enter the appropriate path and name of the program or use the Browse button to search for a specific .EXE.

You can use the Insert Variable option (see above) to use a variable in the path to the executable file.

Program Arguments

Use this field to enter program arguments to launch a specific feature within your chosen application. For example arguments that activate a specific feature of the External Program.

You can use the Insert Variable option (see above) to use a variable in the arguments.

Wait for completion

Select this option if you want to ensure that the external program execution is completed before the CAST Management Studio moves on to the next action. This is particularly useful if you are running the job from the command line.

Update CAST Analysis Service specifics
Parameters tab This tab functions in exactly the same way as the Parameters tab in the SQL Tool (described above).

A predefined query template is provided for you - modify this as required.

/* Template creating new links between existing unlinked objects */insert into CI_LINKS (CALLER_ID, CALLED_ID, LINK_TYPE, ERROR_ID)select caller.OBJECT_ID, called.OBJECT_ID, 'callLink', 0from CTV_GUID_OBJECTS caller,CTV_GUID_OBJECTS calledwhere caller.OBJECT_NAME='AUTHORLENGTH'and called.OBJECT_NAME='AUTHORSIZE'/

See the Update CAST Knowledge Base Guide for more information - a separate document that forms part of the CAST Release Documentation.

Universal Importer specifics
Parameters tab Depending on how your external analyzer outputs its results (direct to specific tables in the CAST Analsyis Service (Database) or direct to XML/UAX type files (Files), you can use this tab to configure how these results will be imported into the CAST Analysis Service.
Import from

Choose between Database and Files:


  • Choose:
    • Either enter the name of your GROUPNAME directly into the Group Name field - this is specified in the GROUPNAME column in both SQL tables.
    • or click the Select option to force the CAST Management Studio to retrieve a list of available GROUPNAMEs directly from the SQL tables:
  • This will force the import of items that correspond to the GROUPNAME you specify.


Use this section to define the XML/UAX type files that will be importe:.

  • Use the button to define additional Source Files or Source Folders
  • Use the button to remove an existing entry

If this Analysis Unit is automatically defined, then any auto defined entries will be read only.

Permission > For your Source Folder or File, you can explicitly choose whether the item should be Included in or Excluded from the analysis.


This tab functions in exactly the same way as the Parameters tab in the SQL Tool (described above).

A predefined query template is provided for you - modify this as required. if you do not need to to interact with the UAX_IMPORT_INSTANCES or UAX_IMPORT_PROPERTIES tables (i.e. the results of the external analyzer are already present in the tables), then simply clear the template query before running the tool.

Drop input data after import

Select this option if you want to force the Universal Importer to empty the two SQL tables (UAX_IMPORT_INSTANCES and UAX_IMPORT_PROPERTIES) immediately after the import process has completed.

Update CAST System Views specifics

This tool is more simple than others that are available. It simply allows you to update the CAST System Views - (commonly known as "CSV") that can be used to facilitate queries against the Analysis or Dashboard Services (rather than querying data tables directly).


It is also possible to add your own specific instructions to the CAST System View Update tool (such as updating the server statistics, or other administration tasks).

To do so, create a procedure called CSV_FINALLY in the CAST Analysis Service and include the instructions you want executing.

When the Update CAST System Views tool is run, the CSV_FINALLY procedure will be executed once all other CSV Update instructions have been completed. This procedure (CSV_FINALLY ) is only called if it is present in the Analysis Service.

Reference Pattern Search String specifics

This tool is more simple than others that are available. It simply allows you to run a Reference Pattern as part of a tool:

Based on Reference Pattern Choose the existing Reference Pattern you want the Tool to run.

Reference Patterns can be created in the Reference Pattern tab at Technology level.

Run Tool Use this option to run the Tool - note that this is not a simulation - the tool will be run exactly as configured and results will be saved to the CAST Analysis Service.
Check Tool Results Use this option to run the Tool - this is a simulation and no results will be saved to the CAST Analysis Service.

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