Run analysis only

The Run analysis only option enables you to start the process of source code analysis of all Analysis Units in the Application without having to generate a Snapshot. This can be useful if you are simply exploiting the results in CAST Enlighten (for example).

You can launch this option from various locations:

  • Applications view > Right click the Application and select Execute > Analysis > Run analysis only
  • Application editor > Use the Run analysis only option available in the Execute tab:

  • You will then be prompted to select some analysis options:

  • These options are explained below.
  • Click Finish to proceed with the analysis - a progress dialog will dispay each step in the analysis process:

Note that:

- In order to use the Run Analysis only option, you must have already set the Version as "current" in the Delivery tab (Application editor) and have checked and configured your Analysis Units.

- You can also run your analysis when you generate a Snapshot

- You can also use the Run Analysis on current Analysis Unit option (located in the Analysis Unit editor). It runs an analysis for the current Analysis Unit.

- CAST does not support two or more analyses running in parallel on the same machine.

- Some actions that are executed during a snapshot are not executed in this mode - for example the CAST System Views are not updated.

- See View analysis log for more information.



These options are visible to all regardless of the audience type selected in the Toolbar:

Continue last Analysis If you have selected this option an Analysis Unit will not be processed when all of the following criteria are met:
  • The parent Version has not been changed since the last time the Analysis Unit was run (whether individually or as part of a Run Analysis only or snapshot generation process).
  • No options have been modified in the Analysis Unit since the last time the Analysis Unit was run (whether individually or as part of a Run Analysis only or snapshot generation process).
  • No Dependency Rules have been modified since the last time the Analysis Unit was run (whether individually or as part of a Run Analysis only or snapshot generation process).
  • The last execution of the Analysis Unit was successful (whether individually or as part of a Run Analysis only or snapshot generation process).
Send mail report (if configured) If you have defined an SMTP server in Preferences - Mail and you have defined a set of recipients in the Application editor, Notes tab, then ticking this option will send an email to the list of recipients when the analysis is complete detailing the success (or otherwise) of the action.

Debug options

These options are only visible in Expert mode (see the Toolbar for more information about audience type). These options are only for expert users and should only be activated if you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.

Activate debug options If you want to configure any of the options in the Debug section, you must first tick this option.
Skip Analysis Result Save Select this option if you simply want to run the analysis but do not want to save the results in the Analysis Service. This is useful for testing an analysis to see if it will run correctly without having to "pollute' the Analysis Service with potentially incorrect results. Use the analysis log to check for errors.

Please do not activate this options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.

Show SQL When activated, will display the SQL sent to the data server in the analysis log. Please do not activate this options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.
Skip Metrics Compute Please do not activate these options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.
Skip Natural Metrics Compute
Activate Metrics Trace
Activate AMT Memory Profiling Please do not activate this options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.
Activate Inference Engine traces Please do not activate this options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.
Activate Inference Engine technical log
Include debug messages Select this option to activate verbose logging. Please do not activate this options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.

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