Production tab

This tab allows you to define various specific production options (organized by Technology) for all Analysis Units defined in the Application - these options govern the way in which the source code matching the Technology type will be handled during the analysis - in particular for the resulting objects and links.

The CAST Management Studio will automatically determine the Technology type of an Analysis Unit when the packages are deployed and the Analysis Units are created. As such, all Technologies that are present in the Analysis Units in your Application will be visible in this tab, for example:

Selecting a Technology type will display a section containing the production options for the selected Technology type. These options are either:

  • set to their defaults (initialized from the options set at Technology) level where they cannot be determined from the source code
  • or predetermined from the source code


  • The options in each Technology set are valid for ALL corresponding Analysis Units defined in the current Application (so making changes to a specific option will mean all Analysis Units in that specific Technology will "inherit" the same setting). If you need to define specific options for a specific Analysis Unit in a specific Technology, then please use the Analysis Unit editor.
  • Note about the Reset option: some productions options have a "Reset" option next to them - using this will reset the option to the value set at Technology level in the Technology editors:

Available options

The options available at this level are also available at Technology level - see Technology editors for more information and a description of the options. One exception to this is the ability to associate Dynamic Link Manager rule files to the Application or to its constituent Technologies:

Dynamic Links Rules

The Dynamic Links Rules section is available in the Common tab or in individual Technology tabs:

The section allows you to assign a Dynamic Link Manager rule file (*.DLM.XML file) that will be applied during the analysis:

  • Use the button to add a new DLM.XML file - you will be prompted for the location of the file.
  • Use the button to change a DLM.XML file you have already assigned.
  • Use the buttons to change the order of the DLM.XML files - the order in which they are displayed is the order in which they are processed.
  • Use the button to remove a DLM.XML file from the section - the rules in the file will no longer be processed.


  • By default, the Scope option will be set to "Force use of CMS scope" - this will mean that any scope defined in the DLM.xml file (using the <scope>...</scope> element) will be ignored and a scope matching the tab in which the rule file is defined will always be used during an analysis.
  • You can manually change the Scope option to "Preserve scope from file" by clicking the option (see image below). This will force the CAST Management Studio to take into account the scope defined in the DLM.xml file (using the <scope>...</scope> element):

You can find out more information about Dynamic Link Manager rule files here: Dynamic Link Manager filter rules.

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