
Optionally, you can upload external data that will enrich the content of the Health Dashboard and Engineering Dashboards. External data is either Background Facts, or a Business Value Metric. This can be done BEFORE you generate a snapshot, or AFTER you generate a snapshot.

Background Facts can provide additional information in a single interface that is not based on source code analysis but that can advantageously be cross-referenced with quality and quantity information. You can declare new and update existing Background Facts (e.g., set up the unit in which Effort is uploaded, set up the currency of Cost information…). These metrics are numerical values and they are attached to Modules only. To determine the Background Fact value of an Application, the dashboard will display the sum total of all contained Modules.

Background Facts (when uploaded) are displayed as follows:

  • In the Health Dashboard in a manually created tile(see the BackgroundFactsResults tile in Health Dashboard tile management)
  •  and Engineering Dashboard in a manually created tile (see the Background Facts tile in Engineering Dashboard tile management).
  • In the CAST Management Studio, Background Fact metrics are visible in the Assessment Model editor:

Note that:

  • Business Value metrics (66061) can also be used for display as a simple value in the Background Facts tile  in the CAST Engineering Dashboard and also for display as a simple value in the BackgroundFactsResults tile in the Health Dashboard. By default, the dashboards use a default value of '1'. This metric is a free numerical value and it is attached to Modules only. To determine the business value of a System or an Application, the dashboards retrieve the maximum value of all contained Modules
    • When declaring Business Value metrics (66061), you MUST ensure that the value is set to one of the following values, failure to do so will result in errors in the dashboard.
      • Low Business Value = 1 or 1.5
      • Moderate Business Value = 2 or 2.5
      • High Business Value = 3 or 3.5
      • Extreme Business Value = 4
  • When using the "BEFORE" legacy upload method using the XML file, it is possible to upload some structural information about the corporate organization (Teams/Developers etc.) and map modules and metrics against this information - this information is then only visible in the legacy CAST Engineering Dashboard. This structural information cannot be configured with the "AFTER" upload method using the CAST RestAPI interface - instead only values for Background Facts can be configured.

Upload process

The upload of external data can be achieved in two ways:

  • AFTER a snapshot is generated: this is the most flexible method - you can upload your Background Facts data at any time AFTER the snapshot has been generated using the CAST RestAPI interface. CAST recommends that you use this method. Note however, that it is NOT possible to configure structural information about the corporate organization (Teams/Developers etc.) and map modules and metrics against this information with this upload method - instead only values for Background Facts can be configured. If you still need to upload structural data for viewing in the legacy CAST Engineering Dashboard, please use the "BEFORE" method instead.
  • BEFORE the snapshot is generated: declaration of an XML file containing the Background Facts configuration. This XML file is then taken into when the snapshot is generated. You need to keep this file up to date before each snapshot generation process (this is the legacy upload method).

Note that from AIP Core 8.3.46, the Background Facts upload field will be ignored during an analysis. You should instead use the "AFTER a snapshot is generated" option.

AFTER a snapshot is generated

This method uses a dedicated Background Facts interface in the CAST RestAPI to upload data directly into either the Measurement Service database (for display in the Health Dashboard) or into the Dashboard Service database (for display in the CAST Engineering Dashboard). To get started you will need

  • Access to a CAST RestAPI interface - this can be via any of the following WAR files:
    • CAST-RESTAPI.war
    • CAST-Health.war
    • CAST-Engineering.war
    • CAST-Health-Engineering.war
  • A login for the CAST RestAPI which has the "ADMIN" role

Access the dedicated Background Facts CAST RestAPI interface

Use the following URL to access the CAST RestAPI interface dedicated to uploading Background Facts:


When this page loads you will be presented with a login interface. Login with a user (whether static list or Active Directory) that has the ADMIN role:

When successfully authenticated, the following will be displayed enabling you to select the domain (i.e. database) to which you want to upload the data. The following image shows the default AAD and AED domains. You should ensure that you choose the correct domain:

  • If you want to inject data into a snapshot that is stored in the Dashboard Service database for use with the CAST Engineering Dashboard, choose a domain that is configured with a Dashboard Service database (in the default configuration this is the AED domain).
  • If you want to inject data into a snapshot that is stored in the Measurement Service database for use in the Health Dashboard, choose a domain that is configured with a Measurement Service database (in the default configuration this is the AAD domain).

When you have chosen a domain, you will then be prompted to choose an Application into which the Background Facts will be injected - these are Applications for which snapshot data already exists either in the Dashboard Service database or in the Measurement Service database:

When you have chosen an Application, you will then be prompted to choose a snapshot into which the Background Facts will be injected - these are historic snapshots for the selected Application:

On selecting a snapshot, you will then be shown the interface for inputting the Background Fact information:

Enter the Background Fact data using the interface

The interface provides the ability to inject Background Fact data based on the following parameters (which are described in the RestAPI Reference Documentation under the Health Results Resources section) separated by semi-colons:

  • ADG Database (optional)
  • Application Name
  • Module Name (optional)
  • Metric Id
  • Result

By default, the interface will be populated automatically with default information giving a Business Value (metric 66061) of 1 to all Applications and all child Modules, as shown in this example giving a value of 1 to the Application "MEUDON" and the default full content module "MEUDON full content":

ADG Database;Application Name;Module Name;Metric Id;Result
v81_1130_central;MEUDON;MEUDON full content;66061;1

Please note that partial configurations (i.e. the configuration of a metric for an Application but not for any of its child Modules, or the configuration of a metric for one single Module, but not the parent Application nor any sibling Modules) are NOT authorised and you will receive an error as below. You must ALWAYS configure a Background Fact for an Application and ALL its child modules. You can give a default value of 1 if you do not need to set a specific value to some of the items, but you must always include the item in the configuration.

To correct the above error, the following configuration should be used (adding a configuration for the parent Application of the Module):

Optional parameters

The following parameters are optional:

  • ADG Database > can be omitted ONLY if you are injecting Background Facts into a CAST Dashboard Service database (AED domain) for use with the CAST Engineering Dashboard (you can also include the parameter if you want to). This parameter MUST be included if you have chosen an AAD domain as it is not possible to automatically work out which Dashboard Service database to target just from the AAD domain.
  • Module Name > can be omitted if the Background Fact value is being defined on an Application.

When a parameter is optional, it can be omitted, however, you must ensure that the semi-colon denoting the boundary between the parameters is always included. In the following example, both the ADG Database and the Module Name parameters have been omitted:

ADG Database;Application Name;Module Name;Metric Id;Result
;MEUDON;MEUDON full content;66061;10


To add an "Effort" (metric 66001) Background Fact with a value of 20 to the "MEUDON full content" module and a value of 1 to the parent Application, while retaining the default Business Value of 1 for the parent Application and the module, add the following lines (lines 4 and 5):

ADG Database;Application Name;Module Name;Metric Id;Result
v81_1130_central;MEUDON;MEUDON full content;66061;1
v81_1130_central;MEUDON;MEUDON full content;66001;20

Save button

Once you have configured your Background Fact data, use the Save button to commit the configuration into the selected snapshot:

Refresh button

The Refresh button will retrieve the current Background Facts configuration direct from the selected snapshot and replace all previous configurations in the interface.

Get an Example button

The Get an Example button will retrieve an example from memory to help you configure the injection correctly.

Using Excel to edit the configuration

You can use Excel to help define your Background Facts data. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of Applications/Modules. Please see Using Excel in Health Dashboard tag and category management which explains the process for editing Tags and Categories for the Health Dashboard (the process is identical).

BEFORE a snapshot is generated

This legacy method requires you to declare (in the CAST Management Studio) an XML file containing the Background Facts configuration. This XML file is then taken into when a snapshot is generated. You need to keep this file up to date before each snapshot generation process.

Note that from AIP Core 8.3.46, the Background Facts upload field will be ignored during an analysis. You should instead use the "AFTER a snapshot is generated" option.

XML file declaration

The name and location of the XML file to upload is defined in the Dashboard Service editor in the CAST Management Studio:

Enter the full name of the XML file in the dedicated Background Facts upload file section - CAST suggests using background_facts.xml, but you are free to choose any name you prefer. The file will be taken into account when the next snapshot is generated.

The Background Facts upload file is validated automatically when the Snapshot is generated. This is because it has to take into account Modules (i.e. modules called "<Application name> full content") that may be generated automatically (and that are not yet known) during the first stages of the Snapshot generation process.

When a Background Facts upload file is uploaded all future snapshot generation processes will automatically include the Background Facts information.

XML file structure

The XML file is composed of several types of information. Each block of information must be presented in the order listed below:

  • Module mapping
  • Organization links
  • Module assignment
  • Business Value and Background Facts

Examples are given below:

Module mapping information, i.e., the identification of Modules for which to upload information and Organizational information, i.e., development entities to which the software components will be assigned:

Organization links information, i.e., the inclusion relations between development entities:

Module assignment information, i.e., the link between Developers and the Modules they are responsible for:

Business Value and Background Facts for each Module:


  • The organization and the module mapping information use object IDs which are unique in the upload file; there is no need to be consistent with object IDs in the Dashboard Service.
  • ID's must be unique and must remain identical over time (one object must retain the same ID in all snapshots)
  • When declaring Modules, the ID must only be unique within the Background Facts upload file (a module does not necessarily have to have the same ID as used in the Dashboard Service). However, the type and the name MUST be the same as those used for the modules that have are already present in the Dashboard Service.
  • The module mapping information is used to identify existing modules; subsequent references to these modules in the upload file only require the file-wide module ID. E.g.: "MEUDON full content" is mapped with the ID "10" and is referenced through this ID in other blocks of the upload file.
  • The organization information is used both to identify development entities for subsequent references and to create an object in the Dashboard Service. E.g.: "Research and Dev" organization with object ID "1" is created in the Dashboard Service and is referenced to through this ID in other blocks of the upload file.
  • The organization link and module assignment information are used to create new links in the Dashboard Service between the object identified by its ID in the PREVIOUS_OBJECT_ID node and the object identified by its ID in the NEXT_OBJECT_ID node. When Background Facts are involved, the link type is '4'. The links are valid between Organization nodes and Team nodes, between Team nodes and Developer nodes, and between Developer nodes and Module nodes.
  • The metric information is used to fill the Dashboard Service with a given value - provided by the METRIC_NUM_VALUE node - for the selected object and the selected metric – respectively provided by the OBJECT_ID and METRIC_ID nodes.
  • Information is optional. You can omit the Background Facts part, the Business Value part, or both.
  • Within the Background Facts, you are allowed to skip some Productivity Metrics and some Modules.
  • Within the Business Value part, you are allowed to skip some Modules however, this will impact the maps as follows: it will underestimate the Functional Weight displayed as the bubble size.
  • Please avoid alternating between <DSS_IN_LINKS> and <DSS_IN_OBJECTS> tags - create the <DSS_IN_OBJECTS> first, then create the <DSS_IN_LINKS> as outlined below.

The organization of the development teams in the company (this is defined in the Background Facts upload file):

  • Organizations that contain (type 20100):
    •  Teams that contain (type 20101):
      •  Developers that create (type 20102)
        • Modules (type 20000) - i.e. User Defined Modules and those created automatically during the Snapshot generation process

XML file creation

Note that you can use the BackgroundFacts.xsd file to help you build a syntactically correct XML file.

The structure of the file must use the following format:

Objects (Organizations, Teams, Developers and Modules)

  • Objects are declared within the <DSS_IN_OBJECTS> tags
  • <OBJECT_NAME>, <OBJECT_TYPE_ID>, <OBJECT_ID> and <OBJECT_FULL_NAME> tags are all compulsory. You can also include optional <OBJECT_DESCRIPTION> tags to help distinguish the object.
  • The <OBJECT_NAME> tag must use the same name (case sensitive and space sensitive) as is stored in the Analysis Service.
  • The <OBJECT_TYPE_ID> tag must contain a specific ID for each different type of object. These are listed above in the Defining Productivity section.
  • The <OBJECT_ID> tag must contain a unique ID for each object defined in the XML file. This ID is local to the XML file.

Links (for linking developers to modules and teams, teams to the organization and modules to metrics etc.)

  • Objects are declared within the <DSS_IN_LINKS> tags
  • <LINK_TYPE_ID>, <PREVIOUS_OBJECT_ID> and <NEXT_OBJECT_ID> tags are all compulsory.
  • The <LINK_TYPE_ID> tag must always contain the type 4.
  • The <PREVIOUS_OBJECT_ID> and <NEXT_OBJECT_ID> tags refer to the objects that you want to link.

Metrics (for defining which metrics you want to use to measure productivity for your organization and which metrics will be mapped to which modules)

  • Objects are declared within the <DSS_IN_METRIC_RESULTS> tags
  • <METRIC_ID>, <METRIC_NUM_VALUE> and <OBJECT_ID> tags are all compulsory.
  • The <METRIC_ID> tag must always contain a specific ID for each different type of metric. These are listed above in the Defining Productivity section.
  • The <METRIC_NUM_VALUE> tag must contain a value that will define the weight of the metric.
  • The <OBJECT_ID tag defines which module the metric and its weight will be applied to

The only items that must be defined in are the Modules. You can then include any other items you want, i.e. Organization, Metrics and Links. The organization of the development teams in the company should be defined using the following IDs:

  • Organizations that contain (type 20100):
    •  Teams that contain (type 20101):
      •  Developers that create (type 20102)
        • Modules (type 20000) - i.e. User Defined Modules and those created automatically during the Snapshot generation process

To create an XML based upload file for integrating external data into the snapshot generation process, create a new empty XML file and enter the following blocks of code:

Step 1 - Header and main DATA block

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?><DATA model="Central Model" version="" scope="Productivity">

Step 2 - Module mapping

You now need to map the Modules you want to include with your own set of IDs - these IDs are fully independent of the Module IDs defined in the CAST Analysis and Dashboard Services. The <OBJECT_TYPE_NODE> is always 20000 for modules. Add the following blocks within the DATA root node:


These blocks of code:

  • Map the module called "Demo-Java Analyzer" of type "20000" with the ID "10".
  • Map the module called "Demo-C++ Analyzer" of type "20000" with the ID "11".
  • Map the module called "CWMM-T-SQL Analyzer" of type "20000" with the ID "12".

Note that:

  • IDs must be unique (i.e.: there must be no other identical IDs in the XML file), but there is no need to generate an initial snapshot as the ID scope is limited to the upload XML file. The ID does not need to be consistent with the IDs used in the Analysis or Dashboard Services.
  • Names used must be identical to the names declared in the CAST Management Studio - as such, you need to define the  modules in the CAST Management Studio before you create this XML file.
  • Types must be identical to the types displayed in the Assessment Model (for example, mapping a DATABASE with a SCHEMA will fail).

Step 3 - Declaring a Business Value for each module (optional)

Add the following block to the DATA root node:


These blocks of code:

  • Set the metric value to "4" for the metric "66061" (i.e.: the Business Value as defined in the Assessment Model) and for the object "10" (i.e. the module Demo-Java Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process.
  • Set the metric value to "4" for the metric "66061" (i.e.: the Business Value as defined in the Assessment Model) and for the object "11" (i.e. the module "Demo-C++ Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process.
  • Set the metric value to "3" for the metric "66061" (i.e.: the Business Value as defined in the Assessment Model) and for the object "12" (i.e. the module "CWMM-T-SQL Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process.

1) Object IDs must be the same IDs of the modules mapped in step 2
2) The metric value must be a number
3) To avoid "gaps" in the dashboard display, set values for all mapped modules (or set no values at all)
4) Business Value can evolve from one snapshot to the next
5) The Application Business Value is the max value of Module Business Values
6) The System Business Value is the max value of Application Business Values
7) When declaring Business Value metrics (66061), you MUST ensure that the <METRIC_NUM_VALUE> is set to one of the following values:

  • Low Business Value = 1 or 1.5
  • Moderate Business Value = 2 or 2.5
  • High Business Value = 3 or 3.5
  • Extreme Business Value = 4
    Failure to do so will result in errors in the CAST Engineering Dashboard.

Step 4 - Declaring the development organization (optional)

Add the following block to the DATA root node:


These blocks of code:

  • Create an object called "Research and Development" of type "20100" (i.e. an "Organization" type), map it to ID "1" and use the description "Main dev team".
  • Create an object called "Paris" of type "20101" (i.e. a "Team" type), map it to ID "2" and use the description "Paris team".
  • Create an object called "London" of type "20101" (i.e. a "Team" type), map it to ID "3" and use the description "London team".
  • Create an object called "John" of type "20102" (i.e. a "Developer" type), map it to ID "4" and use the description "John Smith".
  • Create an object called "David" of type "20102" (i.e. a "Developer" type), map it to ID "5" and use the description "David White".
  • Create an object called "Mark" of type "20102" (i.e. a "Developer" type), map it to ID "6" and use the description "Mark Davies".

The <OBJECT_FULL_NAME> tag is compulsory.

The <OBJECT_DESCRIPTION> tag is optional. However, if you omit it, then the CAST Engineering Dashboard will display an error message in the description cell.

Then add the following block to the DATA root node:


These blocks of code:

  • Create a link from object "1" (i.e. "Research and Dev") to object "2" (i.e. "Paris team") of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).
  • Create a link from object "1" (i.e. "Research and Dev") to object "3" (i.e. "London team") of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).
  • Create a link from object "2" (i.e. "Paris team") to object "4" (i.e. "John Smith") of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).
  • Create a link from object "2" (i.e. "Paris team") to object "5" (i.e. "David White") of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).
  • Create a link from object "2" (i.e. "Paris team") to object "6" (i.e. "Mark Davies") of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).

In other words:

  • Assign teams "2" and "3" to organization "1"
  • Assign developers "4", "5" and "6" to team "2"

Note that:

  • IDs must be unique (i.e.: there must be no other identical IDs in the XML file) and they must not be the same as any module ID.
  • All levels are required: at least one organization, containing one team, containing one developer
  • Be careful with link direction, links must go from the upper levels to the lower levels.

Step 5 - Mapping developers from the development organization to the modules (using file-defined module IDs and file-defined developer IDs) (optional)

Add the following block to the DATA root node:


These blocks of code:

  • Create a link from object "4" (i.e. "John Smith") to object "10" (i.e. for the module "Demo-Java Analyzer" as defined in step 2) of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).
  • Create a link from object "5" (i.e. "David White") to object "11" (i.e. for the module "Demo-C++ Analyzer" as defined in step 2) of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).
  • Create a link from object "6" (i.e. "Mark Davies") to object "12" (i.e. for the module "CWMM-T-SQL Analyzer" as defined in step 2) of type "4" (reserved for these kind of links).

In other words:

  • Assign modules "10" to developer "4", module "11" to developer "5" and module "12" to developer "6"

Note that:

  • Be careful with link direction: from the developer to the module.
  • Assign modules only to developers only: do not create links between systems and developers nor between modules and teams.
  • Assign modules to one single developer (the one responsible for the module): do not create links from one module to two developers.

Step 6 - Declaring productivity metric values for modules (optional)

Add the following block to the DATA root node:

<!-- Metrics : 66001 : Effort -->
<!-- Metrics : 66002 : Cost-->

These blocks of code:

  • Set the metric value to "10.5" for the metric "66001" (i.e. "workload" as defined in the Assessment Model) and for object "10" (i.e. for the module "Demo-Java Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process
  • Set the metric value to "20.6" for the metric "66001" (i.e. "workload" as defined in the Assessment Model) and for object "11" (i.e. for the module "Demo-C++ Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process
  • Set the metric value to "30.7" for the metric "66001" (i.e. "workload" as defined in the Assessment Model) and for object "12" (i.e. for the module "CWMM-T-SQL Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process
  • Set the metric value to "400" for the metric "66002" (i.e. "cost" as defined in the Assessment Model) and for object "10" (i.e. for the module "Demo-Java Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process
  • Set the metric value to "800" for the metric "66002" (i.e. "cost" as defined in the Assessment Model) and for object "11" (i.e. for the module "Demo-C++ Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process
  • Set the metric value to "1200" for the metric "66002" (i.e. "cost" as defined in the Assessment Model) and for object "12" (i.e. for the module "CWMM-T-SQL Analyzer" as defined in step 2) for the snapshot generation process

In other words:

  • Defines that "workload" associated to module "10" for the snapshot to be processed is "10.5"
  • Defines that "workload" associated to module "11" for the snapshot to be processed is "20.6"
  • Defines that "workload" associated to module "12" for the snapshot to be processed is "30.7"
  • Defines that "cost" associated to module "10" for the snapshot to be processed is "400"
  • Defines that "cost" associated to module "11" for the snapshot to be processed is "800"
  • Defines that "cost" associated to module "12" for the snapshot to be processed is "1200"

Note that:

  • Assign metric values only to modules.
  • Modules and productivity metrics may be omitted (in this example, only two metrics are in use).
  • Values must be numbers.

Upload file check

When the Snapshot Generation process is started in the CAST Management Studio, the declared upload file is checked for consistency - if it does not pass the check, the Snapshot Generation process will abort.