
If it is necessary to fine tune elements of the User Input Security configuration without running an entire snapshot or if it is necessary to browse the User Input Security results without using the CAST Engineering Dashboard, it is possible to use an unsupported CAST tool called the FlawExplorer to visualize the flaws. It takes in input ".flaw" files, and lets you browse the flaws that have been generate during the snapshot. In addition, since the FlawExplorer is an "offline" tool, you can browse flaw files without having to connect to a CAST Management Service.

You can also use it during a snapshot generation - ensure the "Dataflow Security" task has been completed successfully before attempting to use it.

Using FlawExplorer

flawExplorer.exe is located in the CAST AI installation folder - double click the file to run it:¨

Click to enlarge

Use the Load a flaw file option (located in the top lefthand corner of the GUI) to load up a .flaw file. .flaw files are stored in the Large Intermediate Storage Area (LISA). The path to the .flaw file will also be logged in the SecurityAnalyzer.log which logs all User Input Security actions. You can open the SecurityAnalyzer.log file by clicking the link in the CAST Management Studio log window under the step Run DataFlow Security:

Click to enlarge

Typical usage

  • In the Flaws box: select a flaw in the list. The Trace box will be refreshed and contains the corresponding execution trace.
  • In the Trace box: select a line in the execution trace. The Code viewer will be refreshed and contains the bookmark (highlighted in yellow) of the corresponding executed statement.


  • In the Flaws box: You can use keyboard arrows to switch between flaws
  • In the Trace box: You can use keyboard arrows to play the execution trace.
Note that the flaw names displayed in the FlawExplorer are not exactly the same as those presented in the CAST Engineering Dashboard. For example, the flaw called "Http Response Splitting" as displayed in the FlawExplorer is reported as "Cross-site scripting" in the CAST Engineering Dashboard.