Summary: this page describes how to configure the Indicators feature.


The Indicator feature provides a set of indicators for a given analysis or snapshot - see Application - Overview for more detailed information. These indicators are designed to provide basic information quickly so that the analysis/snapshot can be validated. The following indicators can currently be configured to be displayed on completion of an analysis or snapshot:

  • Artifacts in transactions
  • Complete Transactions with only end point
  • Data entities used by transactions
  • Incomplete transactions
  • Part of functional enhancement
  • Programs/Classes in transactions
  • TF/DF weight ratio
  • Delivery related indicators
  • etc.

This feature is enabled "out-of-the-box" in ≥ 1.20.x releases of Console. If you need to disable it, this requires a modification to the Node configuration file. See instructions below.

Step 1 - Edit the properties file

The configuration file is available on EACH Node, therefore if you have more than one Node, you will need to modify the configuration file on each node where you want to configure the Indicator feature:

Enterprise mode ≥ 2.x

Standalone mode ≥ 2.x


Note that for ≥ 2.x releases, the standard configuration is present by default in the %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AIP-Node\application.yml or %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AIP-Console-Standalone\application.yml file, however, you should always edit the application-default.yml / application-standalone.yml for customization purposes since it overrides the content of application.yml and the file is never overwritten during an upgrade.

For ≥ 2.x

Copy the following into the application-default.yml / application-standalone.yml under the existing "application" entry:

      # set to true if you want to enable the checks of snapshot
      enabled: false

Save the file when you have completed the changes.

For 1.x

Locate the following lines in the file and change to true (to enable) or false (to disable) as required:

# ==============
# set to true if you want to enable the checks of snapshot
# --------------

Save the file when you have completed the changes.

Step 2 - Apply configuration changes

Restart the Node / Standalone release to ensure all changes are taken into account.

Step 3 - Generate a new snapshot - optional

If you are enabling the feature after it has previously been disabled, you will need to generate a new snapshot to view the snapshot specific Indicators in Application - Overview.