2.8 - Switch from legacy to fast scan onboarding mode


It is now possible to switch applications from onboarding without Fast Scan (legacy) to fast scan onboarding mode using the CAST Console UI. Some of the benefits of switching to fast scan mode are as follows:

  • A new step "fast scan" will evaluate your programming languages and frameworks and alert you if something is missing - see also Application onboarding with Fast Scan - validate the Fast Scan
  • The analysis process is faster and easier to use
  • The current state of the application is the only information available in Console, making it less confusing about what Console is showing.

This switch feature is currently in beta and is available in ≥ 2.8.

Technical information and constraints

  • The switch to fast scan onboarding mode cannot be reversed. CAST highly recommends that you take a backup using the Admin Center before starting (Backing up an Application).
  • Following the switch, a "new scan" must be actioned to create a new baseline - the New Scan popup will be displayed when you first access the Application - Overview with Fast Scan page after the switch. You should deliver the same source code as the last version prior to the switch and proceed with a full analysis. The switch is only deemed to be complete when a new full analysis has been actioned and successfully completed.
  • Fast scan onboarding mode uses the rapid delivery mode without version history (AIP Console - Delivery Modes). As a result, following the switch and full analysis:
    • Version history will no longer be available for your application. Version history is retained in CAST Dashboards however.
    • Source code for your application will no longer be present in the deployment folder and is instead accessed directly from either the "upload" folder (for a ZIP or archive file) or directly from the source folder location. This means that CAST Dashboards will report added/deleted objects even though the source code is identical.
  • Currently, it is not possible to replicate user defined modules based on folder path definitions during the switch. As a result, these user defined modules will need to be removed and then recreated using the UI (Application - Config - Modules).
  • Any custom Analysis Units will need to be re-created since these are not retained.
  • You must configure a CAST Imaging instance in Administration Center - Settings - Imaging Settings - this is required with the onboarding with Fast Scan mode and an upload to CAST Imaging will be actioned as part of the new full analysis.

Starting the switch

To start the switch, use the Start button which will be displayed in the Application - Legacy Overview panel for all legacy onboarded apps (without Fast Scan):

Read the tips in the displayed dialog box and then click Start (again):

The application will then be switched to the onboarding with Fast Scan mode, the display will change to the Application - Overview with Fast Scan panel and you will be prompted to action a new scan of your existing source code. You should deliver the same source code as the last version prior to the switch using the same method as you did previously. In the example below, the previous version prior to the switch was delivered as a ZIP file, therefore we have uploaded the same ZIP. Click Fast Scan to continue:

The Fast Scan is then run:

At this point the Application - Overview with Fast Scan panel contain information about the newly scanned source code, which should be reviewed, however it is not possible to make any changes (for example to exclusions) and there the next step should be to click the Run Analysis button located at the bottom of the Application - Overview with Fast Scan panel:

The analysis and result upload will then be actioned:

When the action is complete, a new base line has been created and the switch to onboarding with Fast Scan is considered complete.