
This release brings some changes to the UI with regard to:

  • adding a new version or version n+1
  • labels for the interactive list of action steps

These changes are designed to simplify and remove complexity during the onboarding process. There is no impact to the actual functioning of Console, however, some options, steps and labels have been merged, renamed or moved. The main changes are listed below.

Note that these changes to the onboarding process will continue in future releases of Console. Documentation has therefore not been updated - this will be done when the ongoing changes are complete.


Add source code panel - new version from scratch

When adding a brand new version from scratch, changes in the Add source code panel are as follows:

  • Console will NOT default to run all actions in one go as in previous releases - this means that out of the box, an analysis and upload to Imaging/Management Dashboard are no longer actioned unless the corresponding options are ticked.
  • Only a new Discover source code action is ticked by default. This is to encourage users to validate the version that Console has created, i.e. check the files that have been delivered, extensions that have been downloaded. This option corresponds to:
    • obtaining the source code and unzipping where a ZIP is delivered
    • discovery of source code by Console to understand contents
    • installation of any required extensions
    • final delivery to generate architecture maps and version reports
  • The existing Take a snapshot option has been renamed as Prepare publishing and there is no longer an option to choose the name/capture date for a snapshot.
  • The existing Publish to CAST Dashboard option has been renamed as Publish to CAST Management.
  • The existing Cancel and Proceed buttons have been removed, meaning that it is no longer possible to skip the Exclude files and Complementary options panels.
≥ 2.2.2≤ 2.2.1

Add source code panel - new version n+1 (rescan mode)

When adding a new version n+1 (i.e a rescan), changes in the Add source code panel are as follows:

  • The existing option Same configuration as previous version has been removed: this is replaced by the Only new code (equivalent to Same configuration as previous version enabled) and Rediscover everything (equivalent to Same configuration as previous version disabled) sub options:
    • When Only new code is enabled (default position), Console will perform the "code discovery" step only for new source code added in the new version and as a consequence, new extensions may be downloaded i.e. discovered and force_install extensions (unless a specific Extension Strategy is in place), new packages may be detected and new Analysis Units may be created.
    • When Rediscover everything is enabled, Console will perform the "code discovery" step for all code (new and existing).
  • The existing Take a snapshot option has been renamed as Prepare publishing and there is no longer an option to choose the name/capture date for a snapshot.
  • The existing Publish to CAST Dashboard option has been renamed as Publish to CAST Management.
  • The existing Cancel and Proceed buttons have been removed, meaning that it is no longer possible to skip the Exclude files and Complementary options panels.
≥ 2.2.2≤ 2.2.1

Exclude files panel

Only minor changes have been made in this panel:

  • The panel has been renamed Exclude files, previously it was called Exclusions/Exclusion rules.
  • Patterns marked with a star indicate default patterns provided by Console.
  • Most default patterns provide by Console can now be removed using the trash icon.

Note that the following two existing options have been removed:

Complementary options panel

Only minor changes have been made in this panel:

  • The panel has been renamed Complementary options, previously it was called Objectives.
  • The Global risk assessment and Blueprint design options have been removed.
  • Existing options have been renamed:
    • Security assessment has been renamed as For CAST Dashboards - Compute Security data flow.
    • Function points measurement has been renamed as For CAST Management Dashboard - Compute Function Points and is no longer active by default.
    • Data safety investigation has been renamed as CAST Imaging and CAST Dashboards - Tags for data access sensitivity.
≥ 2.2.2≤ 2.2.1

Interactive log labels

All interactive log labels have been simplified to avoid using technical terms, for example:

Clicking the View log option will reveal the technical step that has been run, if this is required: